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Everything posted by Nebulas

  1. Nebulas


    Hi there [mention]Yuky[/mention] All the servers crashed and that is why you and many others couldn't login. By now the Blue server should be rebooted, so you should be able to login again. I'd also like to inform you about our Forum rules: Therefore I will lock this topic. Kind regards [fade][glow=black] - Locked -[/glow][/fade]
  2. Hi there [mention]HellionAnon[/mention] As hahahaka said, you can't find anything if you smash rocks. Rock smashing is for clearing your path. The only rocks that give Items or Pokemon are The excavation sites in Hoenn and the Rocks on Love Island. Kind regards [fade] [glow=black]- Locked as Solved -[/glow] <i>[/fade]</i>
  3. Hi [mention]Piyush110[/mention] Please stop recreating this topic. We moved your request to restore your Pokemon to the right topic. This is the last topic you created, please read my reply here. If you keep making these topics, you will receive a forum warning. An Admin will fullfill your quest once they are available, please be patient in the meantime. [fade][glow=black]- Locked -[/glow][/fade]
  4. Hi there [mention]Piyush110[/mention] Your topic has been moved to The Restore Pokemon Thread As this is a double post, I will lock this. Kind regards. [fade][glow=black]- Locked -[/glow][/fade]
  5. Re: Need help with evolving haunter. <r><QUOTE author="Neroli" post_id="452653" time="1507571048" user_id="1680020"><s> </e></QUOTE> On which server are you playing ? I can get online in few minutes <E>:Sing:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> Solved Ingame, Enjoy! :3</r>
  6. Nebulas

    Map Bug

    [glow=black][fade]- Locked as Solved -[/fade][/glow]
  7. Enjoy your Gliscor :Smile: [fade][glow=black]- Locked as Solved -[/glow][/fade]
  8. Hi there [mention]karthikeswar09[/mention] I'm able to help you with your problem :D Hit me up on Discord or here on the forums whenever you are online.
  9. Great work! I'd love to see the new maps :Heart: :Crazy: :Heart:
  10. Nebulas


    And so it begins... Soon™ :devil: :devil: :devil:
  11. Kalosoriste sto PRO! Enjoy your time with us :Smile:
  12. Nebulas

    Exp Share

    Hi there [mention]White507[/mention] Sadly, this has been suggested many times and is denied for the following reason: Also this is under the [glow=red]list of denied suggestions[/glow] and therefore I will have to lock this topic. Please remember to read this topic before making a suggestion. Kind regards [fade][glow=black]- Locked -[/glow][/fade]
  13. HI there [mention]Guzior[/mention] Have tried any of the fixes in this guide? Let me know if it worked or not. Kind regards.
  14. Hi there [mention]king777392[/mention] From what I can tell from your post is that you got muted for swearing and other things. Follow the Chat Rules and there should be no further problem. If you want to know why, then please make an appeal here. Kind regards [glow=black] [fade]- Locked - [/fade] <i>[/glow]</i>
  15. Hi there [mention]synday[/mention] The servers should all be up right now. If you are still experiencing crashes, then I suggest you to take a look at this guide. Enjoy your weekend. Kind regards. [fade][glow=black] - Locked -[/glow][/fade]
  16. Hi there [mention]Zaczus[/mention] Sorry to hear about your inconvenience, but it is like [mention]iSmurfy[/mention] explained. Sorry again, and I hope you have a great weekend. Kind regards. [glow=black] [fade]- Locked as Solved -[/fade] <i>[/glow]</i>
  17. As the topic has been solved, I'll now lock this. Enjoy your weekend. :Smile: [glow=black][fade]- Locked as Solved -[/fade][/glow]
  18. Hi there [mention]MasterAli[/mention] The PRO Wiki - Rarity Tiers and this guide have the information you're looking for. Kind regards.
  19. As Suhuzen answered your question, I will now lock this topic. As for the servers downtime: Admins have been contacted so please be patient whilst we wait for one to be available. There's no ETA for when the servers will come back up. Thank you for your patience. Kind regards. [glow=black] [fade]- Locked -[/fade] <i>[/glow]</i>
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