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Everything posted by Nebulas

  1. We are aware that the servers are down. Admins have been contacted so please be patient whilst we wait for one to be available. There's no ETA for when the servers will come back up. Thank you for your patience. Also a quick reminder. Kind regards. [fade][glow=black]- Locked -[/glow][/fade]
  2. [mention]PreHax[/mention], your Topics have been moved to the requested subforums. Enjoy your weekend :Smile: Kind regards [fade][glow=black]- Locked as Solved -[/glow][/fade]
  3. [fade][glow=black]- Locked as Resolved -[/glow][/fade]
  4. Since this topic has been answered, I'll lock this now. Kind regards. [fade][glow=black]- Locked as Solved -[/glow][/fade]
  5. [dropshadow=lightgreen] Welcome to PRO, [mention]captainwestenra[/mention] Enjoy your stay :Smile: <i>[/dropshadow]</i>
  6. Re: Restore Pokemon Megathread <r><QUOTE author="KhmerFrosts" post_id="446984" time="1506347362" user_id="1793224"><s> </e></QUOTE> Solved Ingame, Enjoy! :3</r>
  7. [fade] [glow=black]- Locked as Solved -[/glow] <i>[/fade]</i>
  8. Since [mention]TheAkalli[/mention] and [mention]iSmurfy[/mention] answered your question, I'll now lock this topic. And If you have not already joined our Discord server, you can do it via this Discord Link: https://discord.gg/gaVVhVR Kind regards. [glow=black] [fade]- Locked as Solved -[/fade] <i>[/glow]</i>
  9. Hi there [mention]MrHermes[/mention] As [mention]TheAkalli[/mention] mentioned, Lucareus closed the topic as we have received many suggestions. You can still be creative and post your creativity in Our Creativity Zone. As nothing more can be done about this, I'll have to lock this topic. Kind regards and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend :Smile: [glow=black] [fade]- Locked - [/fade] <i>[/glow]</i>
  10. Hi there [mention]Luzver[/mention] Restarting your computer should fix the pink screen problem. If that doesn't work, you can try to update your graphical drivers. Let me know if the problem is solved. Kind regards
  11. Hi there [mention]STRATEGIST[/mention] On PRO's Wiki - Pokemon by Rarity Tiers you can find every Pokemon and its rarity based on the tiers as we don't have any %. You can use this guide for the Pokemon's spawn places. Kind regards.
  12. Hi there [mention]Lileddivert[/mention] Hannah can indeed be a tough obstacle if you are trying to make your way to Sinnoh. I recommend trying some of the strategies from these guides and discussions to beat her: Hannah tips?, Let's beat Hannah, How to go to Sinnoh Video Guide, and Beat Hannah with level 25 pokemon. Do note that some changes were made to the Hannah boss since a few of these guides/discussions were made, but you may find some of the other strategies and methods useful :) Kind regards.
  13. Welcome [mention]SmokinLantern[/mention] Enjoy your stay :Angel:
  14. [glow=black][fade]- Locked as Solved ingame -[/fade][/glow]
  15. Hi there [mention]MagicRaiderZ[/mention] Can you try some of these solutions from This topic. Let me know if the issue is solved or not. Kind regards.
  16. Since the problem is solved, I'll now lock this topic. Enjoy the game :Smile: [glow=black] [fade]- Locked as Solved -[/fade] <i>[/glow]</i>
  17. Hi there. As [mention]Sabo[/mention] mentioned As this topic is under the list of denied suggestions I'll have to lock this topic. Kind regards
  18. Hi there [mention]Kumbakarna[/mention] You can find a second waterfall HM in the Safari Zone of Pastoria City. Kind regards
  19. Hi there. I can help you with your evolution problem. Contact me here on the forums or in discord. ( Sneasel's evolution is ingame. )
  20. As Thor previously mentioned, the EXP share will never be implemented. As stated in the Read this first before making a suggestion topic As this is also under the list of[glow=red] denied suggestions[/glow], I'll have to lock this topic. Kind regards [fade][glow=black]- Locked -[/glow][/fade]
  21. Welcome to PRO. Enjoy your stay :Smile: Kind regards.
  22. Enjoy the game :Crazy: [glow=black][fade] - Locked as Solved - <i>[/fade][/glow]</i>
  23. Hi there [mention]Vosserig[/mention] Can you try some of these fixes? Let me know if they worked or not. Kind regards
  24. From what I see on your screenshot, it looks like you forgot to extract the file. Make a seperate folder on your desktop => Copy the ZIP file into that folder => Extract the ZIP => You should end up with PRO64_data and the PRO Client as seen on my screenshot
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