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Everything posted by Nebulas

  1. Hi there [mention]GrandWarden[/mention] Thanks for sharing your art with us, but as you can see; Google Drive links don't show the image unless you click on them. Try uploading your artworks into an imgur album as Google Drive links may contain viruses. Here is a guide on How to create an easy Imgur album. You may also use this guide on How to add images to your forum post so we don't have click any external links and that your art is clearly visible :Smile: Enjoy the way of spriting! Kind regards
  2. = Moved to General Support = Hi there [mention]chmchagas[/mention] Quoting GrandWarden's reply for visibility. Good luck on your adventure :Smile: Kind regards [glow=black][fade] - Locked as Solved - <i>[/fade][/glow]</i>
  3. Happy birthday [mention]Olafkun[/mention] :Crazy: :Heart: :Crazy:
  4. Hi there [mention]Bheriya[/mention] With a bit of luck on your side, you should be able to find one fairly easy now. Ditto's tier on route 8 has been lowered from 8 to 7. Good luck :Smile: Kind regards [glow=black] [fade]- Locked as Solved -[/fade] <i>[/glow]</i>
  5. Hi there [mention]President[/mention] You can find all the available Christmas Forms on The Wiki There is a 1/1,000 chance of encountering these counterparts in the wild. I wish you good luck with the hunt and I hope you enjoy the event. Kind regards [fade][glow=black]- Locked as Solved - [/glow][/fade]
  6. Hi there. Sometimes crashes happen from time to time and there is nothing we can do about that. Please remain patient until the server is rebooted. Keep in mind that we have certain forum rules: Therefore I will have to lock this. - Locked -
  7. I'll lock it :D Have a nice day [glow=black][fade]- Locked as Requested -[/fade] <i>[/glow]</i>
  8. Welcome [mention]Kibago[/mention] You can take a look at this guide on How to set and avatar and signature. Enjoy the game!
  9. Nebulas


    Hi there [mention]Aguiadr[/mention] As [mention]iSmurfie[/mention] mentioned: You can check the reason as to why you were banned in PRO's Dashboard. If you think your ban was unjust or you want more information about your ban, you can make an appeal in PRO's Discipline Appeals Subforum. Please keep in mind our General Support Forum Rules: Kind regards [glow=black] [fade]- Locked -[/fade] <i>[/glow]</i>
  10. Hi there We already have a contest in where you can catch Pokemon. You can already get a Legendary Pokemon - Gensect - if you have caught a Pokemon with 150IVs and have 1000hours ingame. More info about this Contest can be found here. Kind regards
  11. Hi there [mention]ProDex[/mention] Sadly, there is no way to de-evolve the Gardevoir and make it evolve into a Gallade. Please be carful next time so you don't make the same mistake. Kind regards
  12. Referring to my post in GS: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=82610 It won't be implemented. Kind regards [glow=black] [fade]- Locked -[/fade] <i>[/glow]</i>
  13. If you want a chance for good Pokemon, you'll have to grind for them like everyone else does. and like I previously told you "for resetting IVs, the function is already implemented but disabled as it will destroy the purpose of grinding." The reason as to why we have no breeding:
  14. Hi there [mention]painbr[/mention] Indeed, you posted in the wrong section, You can make suggestions here. As for resetting IVs, the function is already implemented but disabled as it will destroy the purpose of grinding. Keep grinding until you find the perfect Pokemon. The only Pokemon that can be resetted are Legendary Pokemon as they can only be caught once. I hope this answers to your suggestion. Kind regards
  15. Hi there [mention]Nemrud[/mention] As previously said, you need 240 owned Pokemon to obtain the dragon membership as this is one of the requirements. All the info can be found in the How to catch mew guide: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=10217 Kind regards - Locked as Solved -
  16. Hi there [mention]Loathebest[/mention] All the belongings in your bag and your money will not be lost when traveling to other regions. Only your Pokemon and their Hold Items will be locked in your PC until you beat the 8th gym, so don't forget to take those off. Kind regards
  17. Hi there [mention]Nemrud[/mention] As both pokemon evolve by trading, you can level them to 100 (or less, it doesn't matter) Kind regards.
  18. Hi there [mention]Nemrud[/mention] You cannot teleport with an Abra in PRO. We have trains, boats and teleporters to move across cities and regions. Additionally there are some Pokemon at certain routes that can teleport you for a small price if you have a Pokemon with Teleport in your party. Kind regards.
  19. Enjoy the game :Smile: [fade][glow=black]- Locked as Solved - <i>[/glow][/fade]</i>
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