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Everything posted by Fafouney

  1. Time to do the quickest 180 degrees into PvP!
  2. Hey ty for your offer but sadly it's too far from my expectations .
  3. Hey, sure feel free to pm me on discord I'm available for the next 12 hours. Discord: fafouney (ID: 224141264130408448) (You should easily find me if you're in the PRO discord server already.)
  4. Added prices, now waiting for lowballers to lowball me again
  5. Easter Volca sold still waiting for offers for my big guns
  6. Still waiting for acceptable offers on my babies
  7. Imagine forgetting to bump after adding your most valued OT Shinies, couldn't be me! Bunny sold Front page you go!
  8. Updated the moveset of: - Both Torterra. - Timid Blastoise. - Sassy Slowking. - Relaxed Slowbro. - Calm Empoleon. Added: - +24 31 Spd Modest Blastoise. - +21 Careful Annihilape. - +21 31 Spd Timid Lucario. - +21 279 Spd Volcarona when Zamazenta is free in PvP omegalul. - +22 31 Spd Jolly Metagross. - +21 01 Spd Brave Rock Head Aggron. - +23 Bold HP Fire Venusaur. - +23 31 Spd Bold Klefki. - +21 Relaxed Torkoal. - +22 16 Spd Quiet Torkoal. - +22 Adamant Dhelmise. 327.
  9. @NyshineMeet me at Verm I'm online.
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