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Everything posted by Fafouney

  1. - Added Timid HP Grass Blacephalon. 314 Pokémon now
  2. Start Offer: 100k. Min Bid: 100k. Insta: None. Duration: 24 hours after the first bid. Accepted payments: Reroll Ticket: 500k each. Nature Reroll: 250k each. Coin Capsule: 400k each. Pokedollars. Contact: IG: Fafouney Discord: fafouney (224141264130408448)
  3. Another happy customer
  4. Another happy customer Another happy customer Another happy customer
  5. Sure guys I'm available all day long, pm me when you're ready on discord fafouney (ID: 224141264130408448)
  6. Wooper sold to mister sir Big Mom Norex bro
  7. All Pokémon are now at 200k each
  8. Bump - Added Jolly 25+ 31 Spd Bisharp!
  9. Opened again.
  10. Filled with new goods
  11. 5m GIVE ME THE RAT
  12. Clef sold, Wooper left.
  13. I start because I'm the biggest rat
  14. Tang sold
  15. Bump - Added Calm H.A Azumarill.
  16. Tangrowth started, ends in 24 hours from that post.
  17. Bump
  18. Larvitar sold for insta in game
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