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Everything posted by Fafouney

  1. - Replaced Calm MG Clef with a better one. - Replaced Sassy H.A HP Ice Tangrowth with a better one. - Fixed Bold Milotic's spread. - Added Adamant Electivire. - Added Calm H.A Audino. - Added Adamant Darmanitan. - Added Jolly Guts Raticate. - Added Timid Suicide Lead Greninja. - Added Jolly Snow Cloak Mamoswine for the meme (ty Thodonub). - Added Modest Empoleon. - Added Sassy Tyranitar. - Added Relaxed H.A Quagsire. - Added Quiet Camerupt. - Added Calm Umbreon. - Added Relaxed H.A Slowbro. - Added Bold H.A Meowstic-Male. - Added 3 Larvesta for the meme! - Increasing the available Pokémon lending to 311! - Planning to make the prices to 10k/day for all Pokémon except my big Shiny bois + adding a full team formula + reorganizing the shop later. All done
  2. Quag sold, will remove from the thread.
  3. Bump, Quagsire current offer 300k, ends in 5h20.
  4. Reduced prices
  5. For each (not a bundle): Start Offer: 200k. Min Bid: 50k. Insta: 1m. Duration: 24 hours after the first bid. Accepted payments: Reroll Ticket: 500k each. Nature Reroll: 250k each. Coin Capsule: 400k each. Pokedollars. Contact: IG: Fafouney Discord: fafouney (224141264130408448)
  7. Wooper sold, waiting for Melodicblue for Quag.
  8. @Sayainji You won Wooper with 1.8m let's meet asap. @MelodicblueYou won Quagsire with 700k let's meet asap.
  9. Bump 4h left for Wooper co 900k 4h20min left for Quagsire co 700k
  10. For each (not a bundle): Start Offer: 300k. Min Bid: 100k. Insta: 4m. Duration: 48 hours after the first bid. Accepted payments: Reroll Ticket: 500k each. Nature Reroll: 250k each. Coin Capsule: 400k each. Pokedollars. Contact: IG: Fafouney Discord: fafouney (224141264130408448)
  11. Lending shop with more than 300 Pokémon is now open, let's go boi .
  12. - ACCEPTED CURRENCIES - Pokedollars Reroll Ticket - 500k Nature Reroll - 250k Coin Capsule - 400k Master Ball - 60k Rare Candy - 6k - Contact - IG: Fafouney Discord: fafouney (ID: 224141264130408448) GMT: +1 I strongly recommend you to pm me on Discord, it's faster and easier. For a Gold lending shop check out my super bro Niklas: Niki's lending shop Things to know before getting started: If you don't know what is lending or/and its traits, click on the spoiler below: If you plan on taking a Pokémon needing Return/Frustration, please open the spoiler for no bad surprises: When trading: Do not touch the lending timer or I will consider it as a scam attempt and won't accept you for further services. Feel free to ask if X Pokémon is available. PvP/PvE All Pokémon are optimized with their most expensive/used moves and EVs. Pricing: 7 days gives a 10% discount. 15 days gives a 15% discount. 30 days gives a 25% discount. Full team offer is paying 6 Pokémon for the price of 3 if you take them 30 days. 10k each/day 65k each for 7 days 130k each for 15 days 225k each for 30 days Full team offer - 700k for 6 Pokémon of your choice during 30 days. 313 Pokémon Story/quests Specially made regional story sweepers - 10k/day each: If you want to wreck story fast and don't care about being spoiled, this is the best place. Full Fire-type team for Moltres quest part - 25k/day: Mawile ready for Mawilite/Mega Stone quest - 25k/day: Thank you for scrolling through my 9 years of grinding, come back again!
  13. Why won't you touch grass?
  15. Start Offer: 500k. Min Bid: 100k. Insta: 4m. Duration: 48 hours after the first bid. Accepted payments: Reroll Ticket: 500k each. Nature Reroll: 250k each. Coin Capsule: 400k each. Pokedollars. Contact: IG: Fafouney Discord: fafouney (224141264130408448)
  16. Xmas Staryu sold to a fellow Egodoofer
  17. Start Offer: 500k. Min Bid: 100k. Insta: 8m. Duration: 48 hours after the first bid. Accepted payments: Reroll Ticket: 500k each. Nature Reroll: 250k each. Coin Capsule: 400k each. Pokedollars. Contact: IG: Fafouney Discord: fafouney (224141264130408448)
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