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Everything posted by Fafouney

  1. Imagine forgetting to bump after adding your most valued OT Shinies, couldn't be me! Bunny sold Front page you go!
  2. Updated the moveset of: - Both Torterra. - Timid Blastoise. - Sassy Slowking. - Relaxed Slowbro. - Calm Empoleon. Added: - +24 31 Spd Modest Blastoise. - +21 Careful Annihilape. - +21 31 Spd Timid Lucario. - +21 279 Spd Volcarona when Zamazenta is free in PvP omegalul. - +22 31 Spd Jolly Metagross. - +21 01 Spd Brave Rock Head Aggron. - +23 Bold HP Fire Venusaur. - +23 31 Spd Bold Klefki. - +21 Relaxed Torkoal. - +22 16 Spd Quiet Torkoal. - +22 Adamant Dhelmise. 327.
  3. @NyshineMeet me at Verm I'm online.
  4. 15m
  5. Bump, - Replaced Inner Focus Glalie with a better one. 318.
  6. Serious categories Friendliest: Shytiny96 (hororable mention to Dae ) Wittiest: Norex (bro is a replying machine) Funniest: Kevinwastaken (private joke but those who know will understand ) Easiest to talk to: Thenikifreak Most trustworthy: Pinklax (honorable mention to Thenikifreak <3) Most helpful: Hyrulehero94 Most influential: Myself (I'm from Egodoof what else do you expect?) Most intriguing: Thodo (if I speak big trouble) Favorite guide maker: Jadeash Favorite guild: Holydoof (big honorable mention to Ascension and old Renaissance, you'll always be in my heart ) Best discussion sparker: Cyanirl For fun categories Most likely to catch a sync fail rare or shiny form: Silverh4wk Most likely to encounter a shiny or rare form and click run: Rhiquiki Favorite staff member: Patchnotes Player who says they're retiring but not retiring yet: Kitretsu05 (only once and was memorable) Favorite PRO Pokemon form: Halloween Samurott-Hisui Favorite Pokemon: Mega Medicham
  7. 15 min must have passed after the latest bid since your auction reached the 15 last minutes, so just let it run. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/
  8. For each, not a bundle. Start Offer: 100k. Min Bid: 50k. Insta: 3m. Duration: 24 hours after the first bid. Accepted payments: Reroll Ticket: 500k each. Nature Reroll: 250k each. Coin Capsule: 400k each. Pokedollars. Contact: IG: Fafouney Discord: fafouney (224141264130408448)
  9. Bump, - Replaced Impish Skarm with a better one. - Added +24 31 Spd Prankster Bold Whimsicott because why not lul! 318.
  10. Bump, added +22 31 Spd Modest H.A Alakazam Replaced the Ada PT Muk-Alo with a better one. 317.
  11. 700k
  12. I start Jadehax
  13. Bump, added +22 31 Spd Jolly H.A Dragonite 316.
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