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Posts posted by Fafouney

  1. Hey, what you described tells me you're using the regular HM Surf but not a Surf Mount from the Coin Shop.

    The Surf Mounts (except Wailmer) allow you to go 2x faster on the water.


    The cheapest one is the Lapras Mount that costs between 80-100k as it can be dropped from Lorelei Boss.

    Also, they're purchasable from players, whether it's via Coin Capsules or directly the Mount itself.

    Buying the Mount itself will be cheaper than buying a Coin Capsule, but will take more time to find a seller.


  2. (2500 X 6 Excas at 0 discoveries) X21 = 315k, + the 100k for the Exca permit.

    So with what you're proposing, you're losing 435k (if we consider a RR 650k) and potentially more time since you will need to win matches where on Excas there is no Win/Losses, just smashing rocks like a tard 😂.

    You would be ready to pay more if it's on PvP, maybe you especially won't mind. But that would create another unfair advantage for PvE players over PvP ones in this case as you'll need more effort to get the Reveal Glass.


    Maybe Wally will hear you out, who knows.


  3. 3k Exca Points take about 3 weeks to get and is relatively chill.


    But I understand Pvpers not attracted to PvE, so something Pvp oriented will be needed.

    Maybe an amount of PvP coins equal to the time spent in 3 weeks of exca, that will be like 20 min X 21 = 420 Pvp Coins.

    Which look really big compared to the other PvP items in the PvP Shop. That's almost 2 and a half RRs which seem unrealistic to put the Reveal Glass at this cost.


    Also the time spent will not be the same between doing daily Excas and some PvP games daily, you can lose matches too and a Pvp match can take 20 min most of the time.


    And we also need to think of the actual NPC, it's a good one that "buffs" Excavations (even if we know they need a rework as Norex's post detailed).


    So I guess it's gonna hurt for you but doing Excas daily will be faster for you to get the Reveal Glass.


    Still +1 to your idea, but would need to find a way for it.



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