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Posts posted by Fafouney

  1. 2 minutes ago, Yeans45 said:


    I am new on the game (registered a long time ago but truly begin the adventure now) and i found i have a xmas metagross mount but i don't know where because i do nothing in pvp (i'm on the 6th badge) and i wondering why , and if it a bug , there is consequences?

    thank you,


    P.S : sorry i'm not good in english

    Hey, if you're playing on Android that's totally normal.




  2. Hey PRO fellows,


    I'll go straight to the point, I would like to propose a rule addition to the 4. of In-Game Chat Rules .


    Here's how it could look:

    • Do not post any links in chat, with the exceptions of:

    - All Chat when it comes to advertising a live stream. (See All Chat Rules for more speficics.)

    - Trade Chat, only to add maximum 1 forum link per in-game post when advertising one of your sales/auctions/shops...

    Why ?


    - Advertising will be easier than ever, as people mainly look into the in-game Trade Chat.

    - Laziness shouldn't stop some people from taking a look anymore, as they'll just have to click on the link, especially for auctions to follow the post and keeping a track more easily.

    - Navigating through the forums can be tedious for some, having the link at their disposal should be welcomed.



    - Trade Chat may become more stacked, leading to scroll up more.

    - Trolls with wrong links just to annoy people.

    Imo, this would benefit the Community in term of trading by enhancing it with forum links when looking at the pros mentioned above.

    Surely the pros would outweight the cons.

    What made me decide to write all of that ?


    Thanks you for reading.




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