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Posts posted by Fafouney

  1. 12 minutes ago, Kanaan said:

    i have just 2-4 points i have to remove because of leveling and dont want to spend a whole berry on it

    I can assure you I'm using berries even if it's to remove less than 10 Ivs because I have so much of them. Inform yourself about their possible locations and you'll get 50 or more of each kind in one rotation on 1 character.


    Moreover, each EV berry is about 0.5-1k Pokedollars. It's not a huge business but you can sell them to players still.

    On the other hand, adding your npc for example at the lowest price of 1k you mentionned will remove or lower those trades and adding it for 3k each won't be used at all.

  2. Hello,


    I don't understand in which way your suggestion for Poliwrath will give a positive outcome besides wasting more time with the double slap spam if we multi-switch. Poliwrath is the worst enemy of EV zones and you'll only making it a greater pain to deal with if you give it Skill Link.


    For EV berries, there are a lot of locations you can get them from, I almost carry 500 pieces of each kind on my accs.


    Feel free to check my EV areas overhaul suggestion where I covered on almost every possible angle how the EV Safari areas could be improved.

    Also Walross replied to my post a while ago, we're still waiting for some changes to happen.


    So -1 to both of your suggestions.





    • Like 1
  3. This was fun being a Newbie once again 😄.


    Kanto (finished)



    1st gym in Pewter City :


    Before entering the gym :


    I forgot to screen before the 1st fight, I was lvl 15 mid exp.


    After :



    Feedback :

    So the gym gave Bulbasaur 2 lvl.

    This early grinding wasn't unpleasant, it was more friendly than the current one we have.

    Thanks to Metapod and Kakuna on Viridian Forest, you have free exp.

    Moreover, I didn't fight the Hiker with his 2 Squirtles nor Ash npc, I could have been lvl 16 before entering the gym.




    2nd gym in Cerulean City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    The Gym gave me 1 lvl.

    The fossil guy should give exp imo, since Jessie and James are giving some, even if lvl 15 Pokemon won't change much things x).

    Thanks to Ivysaur, this part wasn't much of a challenge. Growth 2 times then sweep the gym.

    However, I felt the new xp system, that Ivysaur struggles to get lvls, despite having beaten 90% of Trainers in Mt. Moon + 100% of the Bridge + Route 24.

    I have this impression I've gained less xp than with the actual xp system on live servers.

    Moreover, after having seen the result of this gym, I think focusing on only 1 Pokemon will be more important than ever.




    3rd gym in Vermilion City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    Not even 1 lvl for Venusaur and 2 for Gyarados in the gym (Exp Share on Gyara).

    Venusaur singlehandedly defeated Surge with Growth + Petal Dance.

    I got to lvl 36 before the gym beating all unskippable Trainers on my way to Vermi and every Trainer of the SS Anne without grinding in the wild (half of SS Anne was used to lvl up Gyara to 20 with the Exp Share).

    I feel I'm gaining even less exp with Venusaur than the 2nd gym.




    4th gym in Celadon City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    Gyarados almost made it through Erika. Without her Giga Drain spam it would have been a sweep, I didn't even have Dragon Dance lol.

    I've beaten all Trainers on Route 4, Rock Tunnel, Route 8 and the majority in the Rocket Hideout.

    At this point, I understood that you cannot exp decently without Trainers, wild Pokemon are too low lvl.

    Also that having more than 2 Pokemon is more annoying than helpful, I was at the same lvl as Rocket Hideout Trainers, I cannot imagine the mess in which I would be if I had exped more than 2 Pokemon.




    5th gym in Fuschia City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    1 level and a half for Gyara on this gym.

    I defeated every possible Trainer on Route 12, 13, 14 and 15, thanks to that my Gyara crushed everything on its path.




    6th gym in Saffron City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    1 lvl for Gyara in this gym.

    Yawn Snorlax allowed me to use 2 free Dragon Dance with Gyarados, she got swept with Crunch spam.

    I beat few Team Rocket Trainers in Silph Co 3F + Green and Giovanni.




    7th gym in Cinnabar Island :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    Almost 3 lvls for Gyara in this gym.

    Flame Body made it a bit harder, but Gyara went through anyway.

    I defeated few Trainers on Route 17, all of them on Route 19 and 20 to reach lvl 65 before the gym.




    8th gym in Viridian City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    This fight would have been harder without cheesing it with Magneton Thunder Wave + Light Screen.

    1 Crunch was dealing 17% to this Mewtwo. Plus, without Light Screen, its Psychic would have dealt 40% to my Gyara.

    Moreover, since it's Mecha Mewtwo, it has Unaware which denies set up and its additionnal Steel type which denies Toxic.

    So without Magneton, I would have been forced to use some valuable revives + potions.

    Nothing much since gym 7, I defeated all Trainers on Route 21 to reach lvl 69.




    Post 8th gym :


    Kanto Victory Road feedback :

    It suprised me, Trainers had lvl 66 Pokemon, where on Route 21 being the last route with high leveled Trainers before Victory Road were between lvl 46-50.

    However, Gyara still made it through by rushing to finally beat Moltres with a single Aqua Tail.


    Elite 4 :


    1st fight against Lorelei :


    Feedback :

    I've been able to set up on her Dewdong quite easily, swept her with Gyara + Graveler which put Stealth Rocks.


    2nd fight against Bruno :


    Feedback :

    Graveler Stealth Rock + Gyara 2 Dragon Dance gg.


    3rd fight against Agatha :


    Feedback :

    Magneton Thunder Wave + Gyarados 2 Dragon Dance on her Gengar, Gyara easily tanked Gengar's few Hex.


    4th fight against Lance :


    Feedback :

    Magneton Thunder Wave + Gyarados 4 Dragon Dance on Lance's Gyarados which only had Waterfall to hurt me, easily swept and used consumeables for his Thunder Wave.


    5th fight against Gary :


    Feedback :

    Gyarados easily tanked Pidgeot's Hurricanes, I used 3 times Dragon Dance and swept it.


    I finished the whole region with a lvl 72 Gyarados Aqua Tail Crunch Ice Fang Dragon Dance.




    Overall Conclusion for Kanto :


    Having more than 2 Pokemon wouldn't have allowed me to rush that easily with my Gyarados.

    Compared to the system on live servers, the tested one doesn't encourage you from having 6 Pokemon. Sticking to 1 is the most optimized way of beating the story with the current tested xp system.


    About the Exp Share, it greatly helped me lvling up my Magikarp early on to replace Venusaur with over time. Overall, you would only use Exp Share to lvl up a Pokemon that needs to catch up to your main Pokemon or making hold it on a Pokemon like Rattata for side quests such as the Johto one to unlock Hoenn.

    So this Exp Share isn't broken at all, it's a convenient tool for weaker Pokemon.


    Speaking of xp, all the xp I've gained on my Venusaur and Gyarados were given by Trainers, I didn't xped once in the grass. This was only possible because I only focused on Gyarados before the 4th gym.

    Also, xp is lacking for Mid and Late Game if you use more than 2 Pokemon, hence my comparison with the 2 xp systems.


    So, only using 1 Pokemon for the next 3 Regions I will.



     Johto (finished)



     1st gym in Violet City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    It was close even with my Totodile having Ice Beam.

    1 Ice Beam did 50% to Hoothoot and Pidgeotto, I had 3 Spatk Ivs.

    I defeated all Trainers on Route 29, 30, 31, in Sprout Tower and fainted few Pokemon in the grass to reach lvl 16 before the gym.




    2nd gym in Azalea Town :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    Scyther U-Turn spam was dealing 35% of damages to my Croco, I had to use few super potions to beat it, the rest wasn't too bad.

    I defeated all Trainers on Route 32, Union Cave, Route 33 and Slowpoke Well to reach lvl 27 before the gym.




    3rd gym in Goldenrod City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    About 1h to train Fera to 196 Spd EVs with the Macho Brace on Route 33.

    30 min to train Fera to 252 Atk EVs with the Macho Brace on Route 31.

    I taught Fera Swords Dance (Celadon Department Store).

    I was lvl 37 before the gym with the EVs grind, all Route 34 + Goldenrod Underground and Goldenrod Underground Basement (Puzzle part) Trainers defeated.

    Everything mentionned above allowed me to crush Whitney, although her Miltank tanked my +4 Crunch, incredible bulk.


    On the other hand, the majority of Trainers and Whitney Pokemon were Fairy Type because of Jigglypuff added Fairy Type in Gen 6, maybe a change on that ?


    Also, having the Exp Share to lvl up the Caterpie to get Sleep Powder was greatly appreciated, with the help of few Trainers it was done in few minutes.



    4th gym in Ecruteak City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated every Trainer on Route 35, 36, 37 + National Park + Burned Tower to end up at lvl 45 before the gym.

    I taught Earthquake (Viridian Gym TM) to my Fera after the 3rd gym because I was tired of Flame Body + Static and it will be quite useful later on.

    I obliterated the gym, OHKO everything with Crunch / Equake without Swords Dance.




    5th gym in Cianwood City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated every Trainer on Route 38, 39, 40, 41 + the Lighthouse, Route 47 and 48 to end up at lvl 56 before the gym.

    I PP Stalled the 5 Dynamic Punch of Chuck's Machoke, used 3 Swords Dance and swept his team, I luckily dodged a Dynamic from his Primeape which was faster than my Fera.




    6th gym in Olivine City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    Nothing has changed between the 5th and 6th gym, I caught 2 Magnemite for the future.

    I lead with Makuhita and used Fake Out to break Skarmory's Sturdy, he missed his Sky Attack which let me spam Sand Attack. After that I used Thunder Wave with Magnemite, used 3 Swords Dance with my dear Fera and swept her team with Equake. I got lucky that her Magneton wasn't Sturdy.

    Maybe there was a Pokemon with Stealth Rock nearby but I didnt check.




    7th gym in Mahogany Town :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated all Trainers of Mt. Mortar, Route 42, 43 and in the Rocket Hideout to reach lvl 68 before the gym.

    The gym was easy with the Delibird lead doing no damage with its Drill Peck, I used Swords Dance 3 times and swept everything with Equake.




    8th gym in Blackthorn City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    No Trainer besides the Collector with his 6 Golems south of Blackthorn, and the 2 Cyclists that I missed.

    I didn't grind in Dragons Den.

    This fight was tough even after using Swords Dance twice, her Dragonair was faster and used Thunder Wave + 2 Thunderbolt that my Fera tanked, I swept 4 of her Pokemon.

    Her Kingdra doesn't mess around, I had to use 2 Revives + Magnemite Thunder Wave and spam Equake to win.




    Post 8th gym :


    Elite 4 :


    1st fight against Will :


    Feedback :

    2 Dragon Dance from Gyara, Crunch spam and gg. His Bronzong lead only had Confuse Ray to threaten it.


    2nd fight against Koga :


    Feedback :

    The most annoying fight out of the 5. Smokescreen Skuntank + Sleep Powder Venomoth and Poison chance overall made it more difficult, but Gyara once again went through.


    3rd fight against Bruno :


    Feedback :

    My Gyara took care of him vs his Hitmontop lead which was doing weak Aerial Aces, free 2 Dragon Dance into sweep.


    4th fight against Karen :


    Feedback :

    His Weavile lead using Night Slash didn't scare Gyara which used Dragon Dance as usual and swept everything lul.


    5th fight against Lance :


    Feedback :

    Free Gyarados on his Charizard lead which was using Ancient Power, dealing mediocre damage. 3 Dragon Dance + Stealth Rock and Ice Fang spam.




    Overall Conclusion for Johto :


    As Johto is the shortest Region, having more than 2 Pokemon would have put me in trouble.


    Also, the level of the wild Pokemon were so low everywhere ! If we didn't have Trainers this would have been insanely hard up to gym 7.

    Thankfully you have Dragons Den to back you up before Clair.

    On average I had 10-15 more levels than Trainers i battled since I had only 1 Pokemon. I wonder how much more levels I would have had if I used more than 1 Poke without grinding in the grass.


    Speaking of hard, If I hadn't used my knowledge to grab Ice Beam, Earthquake, Swords Dance in Kanto + the early EV Zone on Route 31 for Atk with the Macho Brace, I would have struggled more, forced to use more Revives and grinding much longer.


    As for the Exp Share, I only used it once to get my Caterpie to lvl 12 for Sleep Powder. As I said in my Conclusion for Kanto, a convenient tool for those kind of side quests.



     Hoenn (finished)



     1st gym in Rustboro City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    Don't try this at home, I grinded on Route 103 for about 2 hours and a half for EVs while holding a Macho Brace. Also Surf + Ice Beam to crush early game as usual.

    Moreover, I defeated all Trainers on Route 102, 104 and in Petalburg Forest to reach lvl 18 almost 19 before the gym.

    The gym fight was a no match, spammed Surf, the Nosepass tanked it once and could only use Tackle it seems.




    2nd gym in Dewford Town :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated every Trainer on Route 116, 106 and in Granite Cave to reach lvl 24 before the gym. I had like 10 more levels than Trainers.

    Also taught Dig to Marshtomp as it learns good physical ground moves late. I've lost the 1st time because the AI spammed Bulk Up while I used Dig, so I'm gonna teach it Earthquake (Viridian Gym TM).

    I obliterated it spamming Equake, his Meditite was faster than my Marshtomp. Machop and Makuhita were able to tank 1 Equake.




    3rd gym in Mauville City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated every Trainer on Route 109 (not those needing Surf) and 110 to reach lvl 31 before the gym. I had like 5 more levels than Trainers.

    Rival battle on Route 110 made me use 1 Revive as I didn't OHKO her Growyle with Ice Beam.

    Gym battle was a slaughter as you anticipated. Although I almost got fainted because of Metal Sound from Magneton + Snarl from Manectric.




    4th gym in Lavaridge Town :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    The first Trainer on Route 111 South was lvl 33, it seems they're catching up after 3rd gym if you're only using 1 Poke and not grinding in the grass.

    I defeated all Trainers on Route 111 South, 112, 111 North, 113, 114, 115, few of them on 117 that I forgot to clear before fighting the 3rd gym, Mt. Chimney and Jagged Pass to reach lvl 49 before the gym.

    Earthquake X3 wrecked Flannery.




    5th gym in Petalburg City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    Nothing much besides fighting all Trainers on Route 111 Desert to reach lvl 53 before the gym.

    I was about 10 levels higher than those Trainers.

    I almost fainted at Linoone with my Equake spam. I abused Slaking's Truant ability, used Dig so he could never hit me as it was faster than me.




    6th gym in Fortree City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated few Trainers on Route 103 + 118 that I also forgot before fighting the 3rd gym, all on Route 118 after surfing, Route 119 B/A, Weather Institute and Route 120 to reach lvl 64 before the gym.

    I was at least 10 levels higher than Trainers starting at Route 118.

    I made my Swamp holding a Hard Stone as Rock Slide was my best shot for most of the flying threats.

    Winora's Pelipper was tough with its Hurricane, had to sac a Poke to heal my Swamp, I killed it after 2 Rock Slides.

    I got a lucky Freeze on her Skarmory with my Ice Beam, otherwise more healing would have been needed. Her Tropius and Altaria weren't a threat as one was using Solar Beam and the other one Sky Attack.

    Also, I was slower than her Pelipper and Skarmory even with full Spd EVs.




    7th gym in Mossdeep City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated all Trainers on Route 121, 123, Mt. Pyre, Team Magma / Aqua Hideout and Route 124 to reach lvl 75 before the gym.

    It's sad that Mt Pyre Summit Trainers don't give any exp, tbh they should and they're weaker(lvl 41-45) than the lvl 55 ones we faced before them.

    The gym fight was tough, I was only faster than Claydol and all their Poke were dealing around 25-30% damages. I had to use 2 Revival Herbs to be fast and not letting them set up any Calm Mind, otherwise it would have been a nightmare because I only had Surf which I replaced with Dig to hurt Solrock and Lunatone.



    8th gym in Soothopolis City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    Since I got Dive, I went back on Route 124 and defeated all Trainers I could find.

    I also defeated Trainers (not diving) on Route 126 + 127, those on 127 + 128 Underwater, in Seafloor Cavern, Route 129, 130, 131 and 126 Underwater to finally reach Soothopolis to go back at Sky Pillar fighting Jackson. I cheesed Deoxys with Toxic Onix + Sturdy + Potion spam and finally went through all the story to be lvl 84 before the gym.

    I had 20-25 more levels than Trainers.

    Holy moly that gym fight was crazy ! I had to pray to not get burnt by the Scald spam.

    His Milotic is a monster, I had to PP Stall its Scalds because it was dealing around 40% per Scald + the 6% burn were unmanageable.

    I was dealing around 35% with 1 Equake (not burnt) and it was faster than me ! I used about 10 Hyper Potions + 3 Max Potions + 4 Revival Herbs and few Lum Berries to make my way out. The rest was manageable thanks to my luck for not having been burnt.




    Post 8th gym :


    Elite 4 :


    1st fight against Sidney :


    Feedback :

    his Mightyena lead wasn't a threat, My Gyara easily used Dragon Dance few times and swept his team.


    2nd fight against Phoebe :


    Feedback :

    Her Dusclops lead was annoying, I fainted it and easily set up my Gyara on her Banette and swept her team.


    3rd fight against Glacia :


    Feedback :

    The toughest of the 5, Hail was annoying because of Froslass, I stalled the Hail by switching out and in my Gyara with Intimidate. This safely let me set up Gyara on her Abomasnow and I swept her team.


    4th fight against Drake :


    Feedback :

    His Altaria lead was harmless with its Dragon Pulse, I easily set up my Gyara and swept his team with Ice Fang and Crunch.


    5th fight against Steven :


    Feedback :

    His Skarmory lead allowed me to set up Gyara and sweep his team as it was harmless too with its Drill Peck and low Atk stat.


    Sinnoh unlocking quest :


    Feedback :

    This was by far the most unhealthy part of the story !

    I needed 3 more lvl 80 Pokemon to unlock the quest, how many time did it take ?

    10 HOURS and 30 Min !

    I grinded to the Hoenn Elite 4 without using a single Rare Candy to prove my point, sure you can try to get some in dig spots but they're not guaranteed ! Imagine doing that if we hadn't infinite Elite 4 grinding, this is not right.


    - 4h of grind for Electrike from 18 to 80 while holding Exp Share.
    - Almost 3h of grind for Voltorb from 13 to 80 while holding Exp Share.
    - 2H30 of grind for Venusaur from 42 to 80 while holding Exp Share.
    I didn't evolve Voltorb at all, is it why it took me 1/4 less time compared to Electrike ?

    I can say that I was really happy to have the Exp Share for this annoying situation !


    Lvl 70 Grunts were manageable.

    As for Charon fight, my 1st time was a failure as my lvl 100 308 Atk +6 Gyarados did 87% with Crunch to his annoying Rotom.

    So 2nd time I killed his Slowking with my Gyara, then proceeded to PP Stall all of Rotom's Thunderbolt as well as Eerie Impulse it with my Electrode before PP Stalling. It went better and I swept his team.

    Fun fact his Swampert tanked the +6 Waterfall.




    Overall Conclusion for Hoenn :


    I thought I could have 2 Poke as Hoenn is the longest Region, but the 1st gyms discouraged me of doing that because the exp was so important early on. I felt having more than 1 Poke would have left me behind. The Poke in the grass were also like Johto too low lvl to grind effectively.


    Like Johto, early TMs + EVs were really helpful for my Swampert. I feel taking any advantage, whether items or TMs is more important than ever with this system.


    Exp Share was the saviour to complete the Sinnoh unlocking quest with the infinite Elite 4 exp grinding which took me over 10 hours, unhealthy it was 🙂 .



     Sinnoh (finished)



    1st gym in Oreburgh City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I started my journey by EVing 30 min Spatk with the Macho Brace on Lake Verity.

    Also, I defeated all Trainers on Route 202, 203, Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh Mine and grinded in it to find some Sturdy Geodudes to reach lvl 18 before the gym.

    And if I struggle to this gym I have a Brick Break TM bought to Lilycove too.

    As Sinnoh is the last Region, I used PP Up found on routes on my early bought Flamethrower in Lilycove Department Store.

    The gym fight was easy, I used Toxic with one of my Geodude to break Geodude's Sturdy as I would have to use it to beat Giratina later anyway.




    2nd gym in Eterna City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated every Trainer on Route 204, Ravaged Path (Hiker), Valley Windworks Interior, Route 205, Eterna Forest and the Eterna Galactic Building to reach lvl 27 before the gym (1 whole lvl was from Copycat Lamsie).

    On average I had 6 more levels than all Trainers.

    I taught Monferno Brick Break for annoying Water type Pokemon I've met along the way.

    Fun and interactive gameplay for this gym, Flamethrower everything, Gardiena was a piece of cake, I put Charcoal for more overkill lol.




    3rd gym in Veilstone City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated every Trainer on Route 206, 207, 208, 209, Lost Tower, 210 and 215 to reach lvl 40 before the gym.

    I had 10 more levels than Trainers.

    Gym swept by Flamethrower.




    4th gym in Pastoria City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated every Trainer on Route 214 and 213 to reach lvl 45 before the gym.

    I had 10 more levels than Trainers.

    Before fighting Wake, I taught my Infernape Calm Mind (Mossdeep Gym), used it 2 times which allowed me to tank the Brines and OHKO everything with Grass Knot.




    5th gym in Hearthome City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated every Trainer on Route 212 South / North, Pokemon Mansion, Route 210 North, few ones on Route 211 (left of Celestic) and in Mt. Coronet Center to reach lvl 55 before the gym.

    Trainers had 10-15 less levels than me.

    I swept her team with 2 Calm Mind + Flamethrower spam.




    6th gym in Canalave City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated every Trainer on Mt. Coronet 2F (accessible from Mt. Coronet South west of Hearthome using Surf), Route 206 (Surf), Wayward Cave, Fuego Ironworks 1F, Route 219, 220, 221, 218 and Iron Island to reach lvl 64 before the gym.

    Trainers had 15-20 less levels than me.

    I used my Sturdy Geodudes to break Bastiodon's one, I was lazy for the 2 other ones. It went well with Flamethrower + Close Combat and I only used 1 Revival Herb.




    7th gym in Snowpoint City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated all Trainers on Lake Valor, Lake Verity, Mt. Coronet B1F, Route 216 and 217 to reach lvl 72 before the gym.

    I had 20 more levels than Trainers.

    Flamethrower and Close Combat killed everything with ease.

    Her Froslass was faster than my Infernape which almost OHKO it with Psychic at -1 Spdef.



    8th gym in Sunyshore City :


    Before entering the gym :



    After :



    Feedback :

    I defeated every Trainer on Veilstone Galactic HQ, Mt. Coronet => Tunnel , 4F, 3F, 6F, 7F and Route 222 to reach lvl 80 before the gym.

    I had 20 more levels than Trainers.

    I cheesed the Giratina fight with the Toxic-no-Jutsu + the 2000 years old chinese martial arts technique called Potion !

    Sendoff Spring top part (needing Rock Climb) having lvl 57 Pokemon suprised me in the good way, I didn't grind on it.

    This gym fight was decent, I had to use few Hyper Potions to set up 1 Calm Mind on his Raichu and 1 on his Jolteon. Infernape barely tanked Lanturn's Surf while I used my 1st Grass Knot but fainted at the 2nd, then I swept the rest with Flamethrower.




    Post 8th gym :


    Isn't it weird than we can have access to Sendoff Spring being a lvl 57 spawn before the 8th gym, but that Route 223 which is after the 8th gym only has lvl 40's and that Sinnoh Victory Road only has lvl 46's ?


    I rushed the Sinnoh Elite 4 as I didn't need any more exp.

    As you may have anticipated, my Pokemon from the 3 other Regions were already ready to beat this Elite 4 because of the Sinnoh Unlocking Quest 6 lvl 80 requirement.


    Elite 4 :


    1st fight against Aaron :


    Feedback :

    I used 1 Calm mind on his Vespiqueen with my Infernape and swept him with Flamethrower spam.


    2nd fight against Bertha :


    Feedback :

    Hello it's your best friend Gyarados casually sweeping, her Whiscash wasn't a threat at all, I used 2 times Dragon Dance while it was using Zen Headbutt and swept her team.

    Only Sand Veil Gliscor was annoying it dodged 2 times.

    And I got lucky on her Golem which used Stealth Rock.


    3rd fight against Flint :


    Feedback :

    My Gyarados used 1 Dragon Dance on his Infernape which only did 40% with Thunder Punch at -1 Atk. Even under Sun my Gyara was OHKOing everything with Waterfall, until it got burnt by Rapidash's Flame Body. I had Swampert in the back to spam Equake and finish the job anyway.


    4th fight against Lucian :


    Feedback :

    Gyarados once again used 2 times Dragon Dance on his Alakazam which was dealing 20% damages with Psyshock, I spammed Crunch like a skillful player I am.


    5th fight against Cynthia :


    Feedback :

    I debuffed her Togekiss with Electrode so my Gyarados could use Dragon Dance 6 times, but her Milotic tanked the +6 Crunch, so I did the same with her Spiritomb and defeated her.



    Overall Conclusion for Sinnoh :


    Same impression as the 3 previous Regions, exping more than 1 Poke puts you in trouble.


    Picking Chimchar is the Easy mode of Sinnoh, like in OG.


    No difficulty at all through the Region.


    Sendoff Spring lvl 57 spawn accessible before the 8th gym is weird if you look at the Route 223 + Victory Road after the 8th gym which are respectively lvl 40 and 46.

    Sendoff Spring is the only good spawn to grind in the grass, other ones are too low lvl.



    Pokemon used through all Regions :










    The cheesers :










     Conclusion for the whole story :


     The most important details to remember in my opinion.


    Grind :


    Grass :

    - Early game grind in the grass is enjoyable, Mid and Late ones are a pain.

    - Spawns are underleveled (excluding early ones and the most known ones like Dragons Den etc...)


    Trainers :

    - You are depending on Trainers more than ever for decent xp yield to not be left behind.


    Number of Pokemon in your team :

    - The more you have the harder it becomes for you to keep up. Having only 1 Poke is the best way of beating a story with this xp system.


    Exp and comparison with the system on live servers :

    - A cruel lack of xp for all Regions if you have more than 1 Pokemon and you use Exp Share with the tested xp system.

    - In comparison with the system on the live servers, you can have a fully evolved team of 6 and you won't be lacking xp. Copycat Lamsie proved it to me multiple times.

    - Also, it takes way too much time to grind after lvl 60 and I find it unhealthy (see Sinnoh Unlocking Quest in Hoenn spoiler for further information).


    Rare Candies :

    - Rare Candies are thus more valuable with the explanations of the 4 subparts above.


    Exp Share :

    - Exp Share isn't broken, it's a helpful tool for weaker Pokemon to put them more easily in a comfortable lvl range so they can fight by themselves. This will allow players to get rid of the Perish Song Chimecho Strat.

    - Also helpful for side quests needing a certain Pokemon like lvl 80 Rattata.


    Required knowledge :


    Taking advantages :

    - Whether by TMs, items etc... They will have a bigger impact to make your journey easier.

    - Knowing about Dig Spots for Rare Candies.


    Most important point :

    So overall, this xp system would unecessarily make the grind longer, some hours for 1 Poke compared to 20 min-1h for 1 Poke to lvl 95-97 on live servers. I don't think people would accept that.



    This may sound harsh, but I'll be only in favor of adding the Exp Share but with the current xp system on live servers. I'm afraid that will be too broken the more I think about it, so maybe during week-ends.

    Why not adding the xp when you catch a Poke 👍.


    Still I hope my post pleased you and thank you for this testing period that let us voicing out our opinions which is essential for a MMO !





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