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Posts posted by Fafouney

  1. What is your IGN?



    What is your discord?



    Tell us a little about yourself.

    Hello fellows, I'm Fabien, 23 years old.
    I'm a Baguette Master Beater 🤣.


    I'm playing for December 2015, went on a break from mid 2017 to March 2019.

    I possess a large collection of Pokemon.


    About PvP :


    Pros :

    - Highest Rating was 181. I can ascend even further, I know I have victory in my veins !

    - I know by heart the Table Type.

    - I know 90% of Speed Tiers.

    - I know potential sets of OU Pokemon by heart.


    Cons :

    - I suck at Teambuilding.

    - My anger management is not that great while Pvping (any thing not going in my way makes me tilt). This is what I mainly want to improve by coming into Ascension.


    How many hours do you currently have?

    7016H as I'm filling the application.


    Do you know any existing members?

    Cyan (my man and the Milk Master), Ske1n, Zefirexd, Alcatraz and Deita with whom I've shared some words on your Discord.


    Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)?

    Renaissance (Gold)

    FrenchSquad (Silver)


    What are your expectations for this guild?

    Having fun while Pvping since I wanna invest myself into it.

    A good ambiance between Pvpers as it's suggested by your moto that I find excellent.


    What You are looking for from the guild?

    - Help to understand the art of Teambuilding.

    - Possibly Guild Island (it's not a priority for me but still a nice bonus).


    What other games do you play online?

    Occasionally Rocket League and that's it.


    What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you?

    1 - Medicham (its ability to Wallbreak like no one ever did)

    2 - Bisharp (its ability to win matches by predicting right, a high risk high reward with Sucker God)

    3 - Latios (Design and ability to wreck opponents with its Draco Meteor)


    In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild.

    As I mentionned above, improving my anger management while Pvping. But I never acted like a clown in Battle Chat, aka the Drama Chat and don't plan to change that.


    Also, igniting my inner flame for PvP.


    If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)?

    1 - HO (even tho I know it sucks in the current Meta)

    2 - Balance

    3 - Bulky Offense


    I hope my application pleased you !





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  2. 25 minutes ago, Lyn1311 said:

    hi, i bought safari 24 hour free pass 50k yesterday. couple hour ago when i do fishing contest, i win 24 hr safari ticket. i cant find that ticket on my bag, and my previous ticket which i bought 50k still finished after 24 hr (no addition 24 hours from fishing reward). is it bug or it just gone bcs i still have previous ticket? thnx

    Yo, go to the Kanto Safari and talk to the Safari Maniac Npc, it will allow you to activate your pass there.

    • Like 1
  3. Hello Walross, with all due respect, I don't think lowering the XP cap is a good move.


    Why ?


    - You would indirectly nerf MS 50% bonus XP, 25% Guild and 25% Potions ones.

    • Having the XP cap at 150k encourages to get all 3 bonuses above to maximize XP gain in all circumstances and thus saving time.


    - The value of MS and 25% XP Potions will drop.

    • You indirectly remove some XP % bonus from them.


    - CCs will be harder to sell to players if the items you'll buy it for get nerfed.

    • Everyone wants a MS when they massively XP, the XP potion isn't as used because MS + Guild Bonus will give you enough punch to reach the 150k cap most of the time.


    2 hours ago, Eaty said:

    Once the level difference isn't that big anymore most Pokemon won't hit the EXP limit anymore anyways.

    By having at least both MS + Guild Bonus Experience, you can hit the 150k cap even with opposing fully evolved Pokemon having 10 less lvls than you  (lvl 80s fainting lvl 70s). This is why we appreciate Trainer Npcs for annoying tanks that are a pain to XP otherwise. For offensive Pokemon we mainly use Cerulean Cave.


    There are few solid daycarers in both servers, if you make XP more time consuming, sure they will have more customers.

    But what about people who always XP their Pokemon themselves ?

    Why would you make it more time consuming and thus annoying if it's already irritating as it is for everyone ?


    I sincerely hope you will reconsider your opinion on the XP cap.





    • Like 4
  4. Hello,


    49 minutes ago, Gatso said:

    I do not know valid reasons to have an experience limit

    This experience limit is there to not make too easy the grind of Pokemon in general. If you remove it, what will happen is as followed imo :


    49 minutes ago, Gatso said:

    the trade chat would benefit as many people would offer to do level training and even for the most difficult pokemon it would not be so painful to level up;

    -Daycarer's level services greatly devalued (which Wally doesn't want it to happen).

      .Why would you ask to a Daycarer to do the job for you if you can gain an unlimited and thus stupid amount of XP Points. This is easily abusable with lvl 70-100 Trainers.

      .Trainers will make it so you only require some minutes instead of 20 ish min to 1h to lvl up a Pokemon. You have to understand it will be absurdly OP.

     .Daycarers will only be useful for EV services, hence the depreciation.


    49 minutes ago, Gatso said:

    - pokemon like magkarp and others would reach the highest level in few minutes.

    -Btw, Magikarp is not a good example, as it has the lowest Base XP of the game of 20, making it quite easy to lvl it up in 10 minutes (with Mismagius strat) to 97 if you relog to skip the lvl up animation.

    .The most interesting example you could have used is Chansey with its gigantic 255 Base XP. People are ready to pay 200k and even more to keep their sanity by asking someone else to lvl it up for them.


    So, I'm sorry, but I don't see any positive outcome by attempting to remove it.

    This will make the grind as easy as giving Exp Candies to your Pokemon like in Sword and Shield, but in a more absurd way, as every high leveled Pokemon from Trainers will be a huge bag of XP.

    -1 for me.



    • Like 1
  5. Hello, sorry if some were said previously, that's all I and some of my friends could think about, have a good reading !

    For PvE


    Pokemon related


    Encounters :


    Regulars :


    -How many Legendaries encountered in total.

    -Which Legendary encountered.


    -How many Rare Pokemon encountered in total.

    -Which and how many Rare Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Charmanders I've encountered).


    -How many Uncommon Pokemon encountered in total.

    -Which and how many Uncommon Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Growlithes I've encountered).


    -How many Common Pokemon encountered in total.

    -Which and how many Common Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Rattatas I've encountered).


    Shinies :


    -How many Shiny Rare Pokemon encountered in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Rare Pokemon of each (For exemple how many shiny Charmanders I've encountered lol).


    -How many Shiny Uncommon Pokemon encountered in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Uncommon Pokemon of each (For exemple how many shiny Growlithes I've encountered).


    -How many Shiny Common Pokemon encountered in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Common Pokemon of each (For exemple how many shiny Rattatas I've encountered).


    Main Forms (How many Wild Forms encountered from big Events (Valentine / Easter / Summer / Halloween / Christmas)) :


    -How many Rare Forms encountered in total for each big Event.

    -Which and how many Rare Forms of each (For exemple how many Easter Larvestas I've encountered).


    -How many Uncommon Forms encountered in total.

    -Which and how many Uncommon Forms of each (For exemple how many Valentine Budews I've encountered).


    -How many Common Forms encountered in total.

    -Which and how many Common Forms of each (For exemple how many Summer Horseas I've encountered).


    -Same template for Pink, Star Wars and Clones Pokemon as made above.


    Wild Pokemon you ran away from :


    Regulars :


    -How many Legendaries you ran away from in total.

    -Which Legendary you ran away from.


    -How many Rare Pokemon you ran away from in total.

    -Which and how many Rare Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Charmanders you ran away from).


    -How many Uncommon Pokemon you ran away from in total.

    -Which and how many Uncommon Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Growlithes you ran away from).


    -How many Common Pokemon you ran away from in total.

    -Which and how many Common Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Rattatas you ran away from).


    Shinies :


    -How many Shiny Rare Pokemon you ran away from in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Rare Pokemon of each (For exemple how many shiny Charmanders you ran away from).


    -How many Shiny Uncommon Pokemon you ran away from in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Uncommon Pokemon of each (For exemple how many shiny Growlithes you ran away from).


    -How many Shiny Common Pokemon you ran away from in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Common Pokemon of each (For exemple how many shiny Rattatas you ran away from).


    Main Forms (How many Wild Forms you ran away from on big Events (Valentine / Easter / Summer / Halloween / Christmas)) :


    -How many Rare Forms you ran away from in total for each big Event.

    -Which and how many Rare Forms of each (For exemple how many Easter Larvestas you ran away from).


    -How many Uncommon Forms you ran away fromin total.

    -Which and how many Uncommon Forms of each (For exemple how many Valentine Budews you ran away from).


    -How many Common Forms you ran away from in total.

    -Which and how many Common Forms of each (For exemple how many Summer Horseas you ran away from).


    -Same template for Pink, Star Wars and Clones Pokemon as made above.


    Wild Pokemon you have fainted :


    Regulars :


    -How many Legendaries fainted in total.

    -Which Legendary fainted.


    -How many Rare Pokemon fainted in total.

    -Which and how many Rare Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Charmanders I've fainted).


    -How many Uncommon Pokemon fainted in total.

    -Which and how many Uncommon Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Growlithes I've fainted).


    -How many Common Pokemon fainted in total.

    -Which and how many Common Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Rattatas I've fainted).


    Shinies :


    -How many Shiny Rare Pokemon fainted in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Rare Pokemon of each (For exemple how many shiny Charmanders I've fainted lol).


    -How many Shiny Uncommon Pokemon fainted in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Uncommon Pokemon of each (For exemple how many shiny Growlithes I've fainted).


    -How many Shiny Common Pokemon fainted in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Common Pokemon of each (For exemple how many shiny Rattatas I've fainted).


    Main Forms (How many Wild Forms encountered from big Events (Valentine / Easter / Summer / Halloween / Christmas)) :


    -How many Rare Forms fainted in total for each big Event.

    -Which and how many Rare Forms of each (For exemple how many Easter Larvestas I've fainted).


    -How many Uncommon Forms fainted in total.

    -Which and how many Uncommon Forms of each (For exemple how many Valentine Budews I've fainted).


    -How many Common Forms fainted in total.

    -Which and how many Common Forms of each (For exemple how many Summer Horseas I've fainted).


    -Same template for Pink, Star Wars and Clones Pokemon as made above.


    Pokemon Caught :


    Regulars :


    -How many Legendaries caught in total.
    -Which Legendary caught.


    -How many Rare Pokemon caught in total.

    -Which and how many Rare Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Charmanders I've caught).


    -How many Uncommon Pokemon caught in total.

    -Which and how many Uncommon Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Growlithes I've caught).


    -How many Common Pokemon caught in total.

    -Which and how many Common Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Rattatas I've caught).


    Shinies : (Legendaries are shiny locked)


    -How many Shiny Rare Pokemon caught in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Rare Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Shiny Charmanders I've caught lol).


    -How many Shiny Uncommon Pokemon caught in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Uncommon Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Shiny Growlithes I've caught).


    -How many Shiny Common Pokemon caught in total.

    -Which and how many Shiny Common Pokemon of each (For exemple how many Shiny Rattatas I've caught).


    Main Forms (How many Wild Forms you have caught on big Events (Valentine / Easter / Summer / Halloween / Christmas)) :


    -How many Rare Forms caught in total for each big Event.

    -Which and how many Rare Forms of each (For exemple how many Easter Larvestas you have caught).


    -How many Uncommon Forms caught in total.

    -Which and how many Uncommon Forms of each (For exemple how many Valentine Budews you have caught).


    -How many Common Forms caught in total.

    -Which and how many Common Forms of each (For exemple how many Summer Horseas you have caught).


    -Same template for Pink, Star Wars and Clones Pokemon as made above.


    Pokemon Released :


    -How many Pokemon released of each specie (Rattata, Raticate, Nidoran, Nidorino, Nidoking etc...)


    -How many Shinies and Forms released of each specie (back when we hadn't Joro Npc)


    Pokemon recycled via Joro Npc :


    -How many Pokemon of each event recycled via Joro Npc.


    Consumeables :


    -How many PvE coins spent.


    -How many Reroll tickets used in total.

    -How many Reroll tickets used on each Legendary ! (How could I forget that...) Ty @MaitrePoulpe 😇

    -How many times did you use the Happy Hour.

    -How much cash sink from rerolls.


    -How many times did you buy the Train Ticket item (7 / 14 / 21 / 28 days) or / and directly to a Ticket Seller Npc.

    -How much cash sink via Train Tickets or / and to the Ticket Seller Npc.


    -How many Safari Passes bought.

    -How many Safari Passes obtained.

    -How many Safari Passes used.


    -How many Repels used of each ( 100 / 200 / 250 steps) (to be even more precise, I saw you put "Repels Used" it in your post tho).

    -How much cash sink from each Repel type in total bought from Npcs.


    -How many Black Medallions (BMS) used and the total duration while active.

    -Current BMS duration left (this will spare us to talk to the Tamato Npc located next to each Department store or in the Moon).


    -How many Mini Medallion Membership (Mini MS) used.

    -Total duration for Mini MS while active.

    -Current Mini MS duration left.


    -How many Membership Medallion (MS) used of each duration (15 / 30 / 60 days)

    -Total duration for each MS while active.

    -Current MS duration left.


    -How many Balls thrown of each type (Poke Balls, Ultra balls...) (This will help to be more precise).

    -How much cash sink for each type of Ball bought from Npcs..


    -How many Rare Candies used.

    -How much cash sink from Rare Candies.


    -How many Focus Sashes used.

    -How much cash sink from Focus Sashes.


    -How many Escape Ropes used.

    -How much cash sink for Escape Ropes bought from Npcs.


    -How many Coin Capsules used.

    -How much cash sink from Coin Capsules.


    -How many TMS / HMS used.

    -How many items did you use (All PvE items related, not only what said above, those above are in my opinion the main items).


    Daycare :


    -How many lvls raised.


    -How many Pokemon fully EVed to 510 (the maximum).


    -How many Pokemon raised to lvl 100.

    Npcs interaction:


    -How many Npcs talked to in total.

    -How many times you spoke and purchased to the Npcs Tutor.


    -How many times you spoke and purchased Egg Moves to the Npcs via Daycare.


    -How many times you spoke and purchased to both thiefs in Department stores (Bonny and the other nameless).


    -How many times you spoke to Trainers.


    -How many times you spoke to Bosses.


    -How many times you spoke to Pokemon on the maps.


    Cash made from :




    -Wild battles




    -Item Maniac


    Others :


    -How many friends do you have (like "have 30 friends in your friend list" achievement).


    -How many times did you use a Mount and dismount.

    -How much Money spent.


    For PvP


    -How many PvP coins spent.


    -How many Prestige Mounts purchased from the Pvp Coin Shop.


    -How many Pvp Matches played in total.


    -How many Ladders did you get.


    -How many times did you use a specific Mega Stone in PvP Matches.


    I hope you appreciated the list, I need to go to sleep now 🤣.



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