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Posts posted by Fafouney

  1. image.png.1b1a4ac967291bfb4edd2c1b34fbf168.png


    S.O : 1m.

    Min Raise : 200k.

    Insta : None.

    Duration : 24h after this post.


    Accepted payments :

    Reroll_Ticket.png.e7855d77c4041dae84996bf604efe085.png Reroll Tickets : 750k each.

    Coin_Capsule.png.5fe21ce9438b2c346c34c044dd753f8e.png CC : 420k each.

    pokedollar.png.b4bc77a9cc35a98fbd55600c783e6263.png.9179c174cf488b6caa7a695f97d822ad.png Pokedollars.


    C.O : .


    Quick Reminder:worryyes: :



    Don't forget this, so nobody will get upset 😉.


    Happy bidding :PikaLurk:.

  2. Yo, both moves you mentionned have a specific formula to calculate damages. Plus, they aren't meant to proc super effective bonus but are still affected by type interactions only with immunities. Also they cannot crit :


    Night Shade : Doing damages equal to the user's lvl, so from 1 to 100. Same goes for Seismic Toss.


    Psywave : LvlUser X(R +50) / 100. R is a random value selected by the game from 0 to 100.

                    So 100 X(100+50) /100 = 150 damages which is the maximum you can achieve.



    Hope it's clear for you now 💪.




  3.   Hello to everyone,


      If you spend thousand of hours at Cerulean Cave this one is for you.


      Today, I've had enough of Sturdy Graveler !

    • Must skip it over and over again.
    • Unnecessary frustration while xping.



      The poke I have in mind to replace it is Magcargo.

    It shares with Graveler (let's take what will follow as pros) :


    • Ground / Fighting weaknesses which are the most popular coverage used in Strategy to beat Steel type anyway.

              - You will most of the time make learning moves of those type to your pokemon if they have those.

              - Water weakness, one of the most popular type too.


    • A "Common" spawn.


    • Trash in Strategy.


    • Stats in common.

              - Although Magcargo has more SPDEF and is SPATK oriented.




    Weaknesses :



    First page on Reborn bot for both :

    image.png.0da7d210c29bee183a569b9db1a028df.png   image.png.364899317860db58427c1782fb68eef7.png


    Cons :


    • A slight buff on Cerulean Cave 1F.

              - Magcargo is the closest to Graveler's base xp I found sharing attributes listed above.


       image.png.a3018f878096c6656c4d3c4f0b3318f1.png image.png.5ca758e0a70eef98c3025a9da2a66968.png        

        (154 X 100) / 134 = 114,92... so almost 15% more xp upon fainting Magcargos compared to Gravelers. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not decent at Maths).


       Source : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/108287-base-experience-on-pro-raw-data-update-the-24th-march-2020/?tab=comments#comment-607469        


    •  Magcargo's Flame Body Ability.

              - Although Raichu + Electrode with Static and Parasect with Effect Spore exist.

              - You can toxic your own poke with a held Toxic Orb (if not Poison / Steel type) to "counter" undesired status.



      Now that I argued, is this suggestion feasible ?


      I feel it will be an easy and fast task for the actual spawn editor.                                                                                                  

    He could remove Graveler and add Magcargo as a "Common" with the exact same rarity and lvl range in Ceru Cave 1F. 



      As for the community benefits, It will be a decent quality of life change as everyone goes to Ceru to xp once they've unlocked it. Less unnecessary time lost when xping.

    Plus, even rookies can get access to it, no one is spared.                                                                                                                                                                                   



    Let me know your thoughts on that, especially Devs. Or if some people could suggest another pokemon.





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