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Posts posted by Fafouney

  1.   Hello boys and girls.


      I apologise in advance if there is redundancy  with people's ideas.


     As for the subject, -1, I totally disagree adding any other form of exclusivity in both servers, why ?


    The main issue will be server transfers for anything "exclusive" if you want to get everything in the game. I'll explain in detail with different parts below and expose my point of view, you don't have to agree :


    1. PvE side :

    • Quests :

      Having to transfer to get f.e a legendary or whatever will be a pain. Doesn't it sound awful to leave your main server for a legendary that will probably be banned ? And to wait 1 month to transfer back if you don't want to use 1 CC ? For me it is.


    • Collection :
    1. Collectors.

      Imagine this, for any collector, a pokemon becomes exclusive in the other server they're not fully in. At the moment, It wouldn't be a problem for rich people as they usually cut in half their income to compensate it ( only them can afford it).


      However, when the mono account will be a thing (if this will result in only 1 character per server) :

    - You won't be as flexible as before.

    - Less opportunities to react to an auction on forums.

    - You would have to rely on friends to transfer money and goodies if you run out on a server.

    - Less and less interactions between servers.


         2. Pokedex.


      Another issue here, you know, some legendary quests require the whole pokedex data entries of a region (Mew for Kanto / Celebi for Johto / Jirachi for Hoenn / Latios or Latias => need 300 evo + Jirachi).


    What will happen if a pokemon of those regions becomes exclusive ? I can't conceive it.


    • Spawns.

    The most delicate part ! Since spawns are the heart of the game, making different pokemon spawning in both servers will only result in conflicts and chaos. I think I've enough explained above the consequences if spawns are divided into both servers.


    But it's not over yet ! We're arriving at the problem with Guilds, which is imo the 2nd biggest issue, oh boy I'm already scared !


    • Guilds.

      Guildmates leaving because they want to hunt a certain pokemon on the other server, isn't is scary ? This is what I was talking about above with the 2nd biggest issue. Plus, The frictions that the spawn changes will create is not to be underestimated.


     Guilds in mmo are their backbone. The game experience is so different in a competitive guild or a newbie friendly one ! You musn't give people enough reasons to go on the opposite server of their guild !


    Speaking of reasons, about the Outbreaks and World Quests :


    • Already existing "exclusivity" :
    1. Oubreaks.

      Occasionaly, there is a quite rare poke to hunt for a certain period of time with -1 tier to its highest spawn rate (4h or more if specified). Fortunately, I've seen close to 0 people transferring in my guild for such a little opportunity. But still, some may do it. You get my point, it's a reason given for some to transfer, but not this impactful.


         2. World Quests.


      Sometimes, the pokemon needed to fulfill it is an annoyance, you cannot imagine. On the other hand, if you really want the ticket, you have to do it. But what if you transfer and go to the server where this is easier ? "Oh no Kangaskhan, the x server has Gligar ( previously T6 Repel), i'm gonna transfer !" Another reason given to transfer.


      Moreover, it will affect the pvp too. We're coming close to the end !


    2. PvP side :


    • Guilds.

      Have you ever heard of Guild Island, aka Broken Island ? If yes, you know how good it is to be at least top 3 to have access to it. The competition is fierce to achieve top 3.


      Remember the exclusivities above ? Spawns / Collections etc... It takes a certain time to reach a decent amount of rating for your guild, more if you wanna hit ladder. So usually, you'll favour having done your part of rating first.


    But what if there is a better hunting opportunity at the beginning of the month, whether a better World Quest or Outbreak or anything new and you really want to go there ? Such a dilemma, 1CC to go hunt there and coming back for the guild asap to do rating or letting it go ?  


    Conclusion :


    Adding exclusivities of spawns or whatever would damage the game instead of improving it. Nintendo is doing it with spawns since the beginning and I find it outrageous to have to buy 2 versions or more of each Gen to catch' em all. Even if trading is possible, it doesn't justify everything imo. I clearly don't wish to see this on PRO.


    I can't think of something else, maybe I went a bit off-topic for some parts and I apologise if this is the case.





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  2. Hello, I like this idea of the pokemon not getting healed when using an escape rope, big +1. It will let you have more freedom.


    However, if this doesn't go through, I can recommend you all to get a bunch of Ralts, either by choosing it in each possible 3rd reward of bosses (Synchro option if you're not lazy like me lol) or directly hunting it.


    Why ? It has access to memento via egg moves, you all know what it does 😉. Moreover, you can lvl it up for popular repels and at the same time it will faint quickly and act as a sync for all pokemon of the said nature.





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