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Posts posted by Fafouney

  1. Reading time : 5 min max.


    +1, Beggars are annoying, if you have some self-esteem you shouldn't even beg in the first place.


    Moreover, grinding nowadays is a LOT easier compared to the previous years, aka 2014-2015. Back at this time, there wasn't :


    -  The 2020 xp rework of Kanto and Johto. Kanto being all of a sudden extremely difficult when arriving at Cinnabar Gym, Johto was difficult when arriving at the Rocket Hideout in Mahogany irrc.


    -  The recent introduction of Copycat Lamsie, which gives a decent pinch of xp after facing each gym.

    . I personally faced her multiple times and saw some lvl70+ FULLY EVOLVED teams at the 2 last gyms of regions. Which proves that our wonderful Shizeria did a great job 🥳.

    Sources :




    -  Having the possibility now to evolve mons as there's more xp to get.

    . But still, the tip of not evolving until facing The E4 was always used. Even a NPC when exiting Viridian City says to care if you evolve your mons too soon.

    . Everyone will say to newbies to lvl up a Gastly and a Gyarados which both sweep all regions and all e4 by themselves.


    -  lvl 40 mons of Kanto Victory Road.

    . They're currently lvl 50 at the highest floor just before facing an important obstacle.


      Now that xp side is covered, I'll now talk about the thing that those beggars don't do and lead to this undesired behaviour.


    Informing about :

    . The best strategies to use ( f.e Gastly and Gyarados mentionned above for stories).

    . The PvE repeatable content that is in every MMO to gain Money and rewards, aka Bosses / Suspicious Bot / Reporter and Digs.


    Checking forums guides.

    . There's literally a guide for everything if you are lost.

    . Staff guides for a lot of subjects.

    . Bhimoso's guides for newbies, take a cup of tea his guides take a while to read as he explains a lot of things.


    - Managing efficiently their money.

    . Only noticable when doing story.

    . Spamming PvE content after doing all stories gives you a good amount of money each week.


      You might say that I'm talking like a tryharder and not being friendly to casual players. That, it's a pokemon game and doesn't need too much effort. But this is where you're wrong. PRO is a MMO and as such, there must have a certain difficulty. Plus, PRO doesn't follow the official license, which is honestly not even a challenge, unless doing a Nuzlocke.


    Conclusion :

    Beggars don't give themselves the means to succeed. Being able to report them should make them think twice before begging a dozen times at Vermillion or such. And, actually making them play the game instead. Of course, while not being total jerks or it will have the opposite effect.


    So, choose your side... I already knew mine.






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