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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. 7m999k
  2. I think there is roughly 1 hour left as the auction got started at 5 am forum time and it's 4pm rn
  3. https://youtu.be/Kqts1i_RXeE Here is a bug after relog I just have 1 sword again but it's confusing
  4. Hey I want to sell this gallade which is one of the best shiny gallade I have seen so far, as I got currently better options for shiny pvp/ false swiper and I didnt use this gallade for 4 months. I am on gold server but can transfer to silver at any time Start price : 1k Min bid : 500k Insta : 35m 72h auction after first bid Accept pokedollar, cc (400k) Good luck and thanks to every bidder!
  5. 5m (money is on gold but will transfer if I win)
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