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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. hey i want to sell some shinies i don´t have right to chancel auction and fake offers will be reported i accept money and cc (280k) i maybe trade for an other shiny please be kind here and happy shopping :) sold sold sold sold
  2. hey sabo do you accept trades for your syncs? :p
  3. gl my friend ^^
  4. oww which shiny was this? and how much its sold?
  5. sad that you leave us :( take care cob i hope we can still write on dsicord :p
  6. i think you posted wrong pokemon i see tauros
  7. how much for the shiny tenta buneary and arcanie?
  8. hey do you accept trades?
  9. hey can yo upm me on discord aminnation#1182 or give me your discord i am interesed in some pokemon
  10. can you pm me on discord :P aminnation#1182
  11. hey do you accept trades for shiny garde?
  12. wow nice one legend :o
  13. hey i know you want offers but around how much you looking for?
  14. ishrak i think if he dont accept 1.5m and shiny cacturne that he donßt accetp 1,5m xd sry for comment
  15. 500k-800k
  16. amo do you want trade it for my shiny plusle?
  17. i like that pika and gl nab:RowletHeart:
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