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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. Re: 3 Ferrothorns <t>and the second?</t>
  2. Re: 3 Ferrothorns <t>what is the s.o on first?</t>
  3. i thought shyuno won it
  4. i like that map :Angel:
  5. Re: wtb lonely riolu <t>i have shiny lonely snyc if you want buy him</t>
  6. Re: shiny wobbuffet <t>time?</t>
  7. so you trade with 61116?
  8. hi i have poke from your wishlist for more infos pm me ingame :)
  9. or someone other won?
  10. hi i start on shiny shroomish
  11. Re: shiny miltank <r><URL url="https://prnt.sc/hadfbg">https://prnt.sc/hadfbg</URL> thanks</r>
  12. Re: SHINY Chimecho <r><URL url="https://prnt.sc/hade8w">https://prnt.sc/hade8w</URL> thanks ;)</r>
  13. Re: SHINY Chimecho <r><QUOTE author="HollowPikachu" post_id="467767" time="1510671938" user_id="1548903"><s> </e></QUOTE> oh right sorry</r>
  14. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>50min left</t>
  15. Re: shiny miltank <r><QUOTE author="ProDex" post_id="467600" time="1510637345" user_id="1421555"><s> </e></QUOTE> accept <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  16. Re: shiny miltank <r><QUOTE author="ProDex" post_id="467600" time="1510637345" user_id="1421555"><s> </e></QUOTE> idk :/</r>
  17. Re: shiny ampharos <t>he got ban</t>
  18. Re: Shiny Exeggcute <t>I start with 300k if you want</t>
  19. also ich bleib in meiner englischen gilde net das du denkst dass ich dann auch rein gehe ^^
  20. also ich weiß nicht obs eine deutsche gilde on yellow gibt aber wenn ich eine finde kann ich dir bescheid sagen ;)
  21. post it on coins and items
  22. Re: shiny miltank <r><QUOTE author="1kevin77" post_id="467469" time="1510607696" user_id="1493125"><s> </e></QUOTE> <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  23. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>19h left</t>
  24. Hey guys, Today I would like to sell my shiny miltank its 21h auction It will be an auction at the best offer withinhours from now on wins. There will be no calls and every offer which is just 1 min. to late won´t be accepted anymore. Insta 2,5m and going higher with the price has to be at least 50k poke dollars. Rare candies and other stuff are not allowed, just pokedollar. I hope you enjoy the auction and wish you best luck. c.o is 1,7m by texuga See you soon Aminnation https://prnt.sc/h9zyzy
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