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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. Re: shiny ampharos <t>if you make lower start offer tell me :)</t>
  2. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>idgouz start</t>
  3. Hey guys, Today I would like to sell my shiny start offer is 500k It will be an auction at the best offer within 47 hours from now on wins. There will be no calls and every offer which is just 1 min. to late won´t be accepted anymore. No Insta and going higher with the price has to be at least 10k poke dollars. i accept only pokedollar and cc (600k). I hope you enjoy the auction and wish you best luck. https://prnt.sc/h9hcdc
  4. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>oh i forget picture sorry i close this and make it on shiny pokemon</t>
  5. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>idgouz start</t>
  6. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>ups sorry i made it on wrong topic how i can do it to shiny pokemon?</t>
  7. sorry it was shiny i made it on wrong topic plese close this
  8. Re: WTS Shiny Lileep <t>do you accept trades?</t>
  9. good job
  10. Re: Shiny magmotar for sale ! <r><QUOTE author="61116" post_id="465593" time="1510269208" user_id="1474422"><s> </e></QUOTE> 61116 i asked other MOD now and he say its allowed make a insta if i don´t have one ... <URL url="https://prnt.sc/h8s3xm">https://prnt.sc/h8s3xm</URL></r>
  11. Re: Shiny magmotar for sale ! <r><QUOTE author="61116" post_id="465593" time="1510269208" user_id="1474422"><s> </e></QUOTE> read this 61116 <URL url="https://prnt.sc/h8r1ry">https://prnt.sc/h8r1ry</URL> and this not all shyuno and me was speaking with letrix and he said that he/she don´t report me you can try it with 100 other guys and i don´t get report sorry letrix and prodex for unnecessary postes ...</r>
  12. Re: Big update. Epic pokemon and PvP shiny only. <t>@NaoIzDaBest tell me if you make lower start price on shiny shroomish or trade it for shinies</t>
  13. Re: Shiny Ludicolo! <t>ok i don´t comment again on your topics</t>
  14. Re: Shiny Ludicolo! <r><QUOTE author="GoreGasmic" post_id="465544" time="1510261435" user_id="1185385"><s> </e></QUOTE> I not belive you and prodex and few someone in this server, you are scammer for me. You want buy shiny with low price and sell again with high price in different time. I hope you like prehax, permant ban. They are Just scammer. Not really trainer poke. They want rich with lie. <br/> <br/> In back ground forum, they have topic for fake all body Who have good shiny. They are aggree for offer low to seller shiny and say this is worth "Just 1m or no more" <br/> <br/> You can see it When they sell poke. For me. They are Just scammer in this server. So. Dont belive to them, any where and any time. <E>:n:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> Prehax didn't get banned for scamming, don't accuse people when you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. He was a highly respected player among the community. Unlike yourself. <e> </e></QUOTE> <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  15. Re: Shiny magmotar for sale ! <t>i main vitorge sell too not only prodex sell</t>
  16. Re: Shiny magmotar for sale ! <r><QUOTE author="61116" post_id="465444" time="1510247871" user_id="1474422"><s> </e></QUOTE> 61116 you don´t need to write on all postes from prodex and other shiny collcetor its fake sell we are fake seller or its not that much worth <br/> 1. prodex bought this shiny magmortar from me for 6,5m so it can be that georg want pay 6,5m <br/> 2. we can say how much we think its worth and if it is more worth then there is for sure one who pay more<br/> 3. it can be that some guys pay too much for shinies or epic pokes ...<br/> 4. if we want say our opinion from sell or start price let say us that its only opinion or (price check)</r>
  17. for how much?
  18. Re: Big update. Epic pokemon and PvP shiny only. <t>if you change price from dragonite tell me</t>
  19. i start with 1m if you want
  20. okay all is okay i only want from you that you write you make last calls ok?
  21. but you can sell it to him i want let you stress free
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