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Everything posted by Alfatrion1980s

  1. Start- 5m Min Raise- 100k No Insta 72 hours after start bid is made RR-500k, CC- 370k
  2. ive created an auction for deerling, if you guys are interested you can check it out there.
  3. Noted, ends in 48 hours after your post.
  4. Noted, ends in 48 hours from your post.
  5. Ah cant now auction is started already
  6. Every auction lasts for 48 hours after start bid is made, each min raise is 100k. Taking CC- 380k Start- 500k, Insta-1.5m Start- 1m, Insta- 2.5m Start- 700k, Insta- 1.5m Start- 1m, no insta
  7. No, can't find the winniner online, can you force it?
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