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Everything posted by Alfatrion1980s

  1. s.o- 1m min raise- 100k insta- 3.5m 48 hours auction cc-350k, rr-650k
  2. auction hallo charizard jolly - S.O = 1.5m - insta 5m - min bid is 100k - pokedollard and iv rr / iv rr = 700k - 72 hours after first bid
  3. WELCOME MODE OF PAYMENTS POKEDOLLARS COIN CAPSULES : 400K REROLL TICKET : 700K NATURE REROLL TICKET : 350K Gengar Starting Offer - 3m Insta Bid - null Min Raise - 100k Duration - 4 days from the starting bid. IGN: Alfatrion1980s Good Luck and have fun!
  4. You're welcome
  5. It's of grass type so it's moves will be 4x effective on Brock's onyx.
  6. Get a Bewdew from the Viridian forest.
  7. Around 7 and half hour left
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