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Everything posted by Alfatrion1980s

  1. @Hawluchaathe totodile buyer isn't coming online, can you enforce the trade?
  2. Started By Nayverlin12.End in 72 hours from this post.
  3. Lowered the starting offer:- 1m->500k
  4. Insta Price: 6M B.O: 600k by Talhacoc Bid in 100K as minimum Auction Duration is 3 days Contact In-Game: Alfatrion1980s or bid in the forum
  5. @HawluchaaThank you so much, and one more thing. The buyer isn't coming online at my time plus I don't have any contact means with him.He always comes online at midnight or later at my time.what should I do now?
  6. @HawluchaaCan you please check the Starting price of totodile,i've been really busy and forgot it and don't want any confusion?Can you please check it for me?
  7. Cyndaquil has been sold
  8. 1 hour left for cyndaquil.
  9. 8 hour left for cyndaquil.
  10. 24 hours left for cyndaquil.
  11. 27 hours left for cyndaquil.
  12. 37 hours left for cyndaquil.
  13. Totodile auction has ended,47 hours left for cyndaquil auction.
  14. 5 hours left for totodile 53 hours left for cyndaquil
  15. Bump 12 hours left for froakie 60 hour left for cyndaquil
  16. Totodile and Cyndaquil is started by Schwarzeneger. Totodile Auction will end in 24 hours from now. Cyndquil Auction will end in 75 hours from now.
  17. Totodile auction SOLD
  18. Auction ended. I'll meet you in-game for trading, contact me in-game.
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