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Everything posted by Alfatrion1980s

  1. Best Offer: 2.8M by TheKillingLight Insta: 3.5M Ends 72 hours after first bid(IST) Min Raise 100k
  2. Got it, Auction will end in 72 hours from now......^^.
  3. S.O. - 4m, Insta- 8m Min- 200k Auction will end in 72 hours after the first bid. Accepting CC=400k, Rerolls=600k. Fake offers will be reported.
  4. Current Offer - 2M by p3ki, insta 5m Min increase 200k Time - 2days (48hrs)
  5. S.o. 500k Min raise 50k Auction end in 48 hours after 1st bid Cc=400k Iv Reroll=650k
  6. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)- Alfatrion1980s 2. Number of hours played-1130 3. What's your favorite Pokemon- Mega-Rayquaza ^^ active discord
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