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Everything posted by Alfatrion1980s

  1. S.o-600k, instant will be updated later on. Minimum increase 100k Time is 2 days after my acknowledgement of the 1st Bid. Good luck everyone and have fun.
  2. I personally also think that landorus sheer force should not be banned just because it's OP on showdown. In pro we got alot of theme team and fast ice Pokemons in meta that can easily counter landorus incarnate. And current meta is somewhat stall heavy so landorus incarnate should be fine on pvp.
  3. S.O.-300k Min raise 50k 24 hours after the first bid.
  4. Congratulations, you've won the auction pm me in-game. Tell me your ign and discord too.
  5. Bro, it started on 12:46 PM ist and it's last 3 minutes remaining.
  6. Sorry bro, since you didn't replied my last post i decided to sell it ingame instantly
  7. Hi guys Start Offer: 600K Minimum Bid: 50K Insta Price: 2.5M Start Offer: 500K Minimum Bid: 50K Insta Price: 1.2M Start Offer: 600K Minimum Bid: 50K Insta Price: 1.5M The auction lasts 24 hours from my acknowledgement of first bid. You can pm me in game or on here. Payment Metods .Coin Capsule (380K) .IV Reroll Ticket (700K) .Nature Reroll Ticket (350K) .Poke Dollars Good Luck!
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