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Shagun5750 last won the day on April 11 2019

Shagun5750 had the most liked content!

About Shagun5750

  • Birthday 09/15/2000

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    @Carl Brzycki#1582
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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Name: Poke-mart Discount coupons - 10% and 20% Description: One-Time-Use discount coupons that can be used in pokemarts to avail a certain amount of discount on the total sum. For Example, you have 20% Discount coupon, you visit Celedon Mart and talk to the guy who sells repels. You buy a lot of repels in bulk and click buy. Now if the user is having a discount coupon, a confirmation dialog should appear right after clicking the "buy" button informing the user and asking him if he wish to apply the '20% discount coupon!'. If replied yes, then you simply apply the 20% discount and complete the purchase, if replied no, then you continue the purchase without any discount. Notify the user about the amount discounted. In-case, i don't recommend but if you think 10% or 20% discount can be too much on big bulk purchases, you can add a minimum or maximum limit on the amount of pokedollars that can be discounted. But i don't think its too much. That's why I didn't add more than 20%. How to obtain: Idk about that. Maybe bug contest? or as an additional reward for fighting npcs or bosses? completely upto the team.
  2. My bad, auction is already over. @Kboww wins with the highest bid of 1.1m pokedollars. Congrats and thanks! Please DM me here on forums or in discord - <@221916147379994625>.
  3. Bump 90mins left approximately.
  4. c.o - 1m by @Kaguyashinomiya
  5. C.O - 900k by @haidudeptrai
  6. Bump! C.O 800k by @ArieSlinger Approx 30 hrs left! @FreddyFTW
  7. Hello Guys, This is my first auction. I have given the rules a thorough read. Why should I buy this Komala? Correct Nature Epic Stats Tier 8 Only Spawns in Valentine Event maps No Repel Trick for easy hunt. But Most Important, She is cute < 3 Pokemon being auctioned: Komala Starting price : 500 K Ending point: 48 Hours when starting price is met. No Insta. Available payments: Poke dollars ONLY. Minimum raise: 100 K Selling from: Gold I wouldn't mind transferring my server to silver if the auction winner is from silver. Auction Time (48hrs) will start only when Starting price (500k) is met. Bid here or in gold server, Account Name - Shagun5750, if I am online.
  8. Yea i am sure that might be the issue. Thanks.
  9. Hey there, I have won and ranked number 1 on bcc consecutively for 5 days now (maybe 4) but i am very sure its 5 but anyways we need only 3 to get the stone. However in my case i have not received it yet. I have the mega bracelet and i already have the gallade mega stone. is there something i am missing or something wrong with my account? Please help. thanks, IGN- Shagun5750 Server- Gold
  10. so you just read the title and copy-pasted it here without reading what I wrote in there. Great. I CANT redownload the game. Is there no solution to this problem other than that ?? Anyways for now I have redownloaded and its working as expected but please fix it.
  11. I have checked. My antivirus is not a problem. It used to work fine and is only showing problem since last 2 updates.
  12. I m just tired and frustrated of redownloading the game again and again whenever an update comes out. Last time this patcher got stuck somewhere in the middle and waited for an entire night! I slept and When I woke up it was still stuck. I tried 3 times but the patcher just dont move. and then I had to redownload the entire game again in the hope that maybe next time I wont have to redownload it again But no , I was wrong. This time in the first try it got stuck .... manually closed the patcher and tried all again and second time it gave me this error - I cant and I wont redownload the entire game file again. I download episodes of my fav anime everyday and I cant miss on it. I have pokes of other players in my account who want them back and I wont redownload the entire game just to return them. Ban me or do whatever you feel for not returning the pokes. I am really angry and I dont care anymore. I wanna hunt easter pokes cmon.. Please help me.
  13. There is a difference between a complain and a suggestion. I suggest you to know the difference before complaining about others being complaining. And Even if she is complaining I see nothing wrong in it. She has that right my dear.
  14. i dont pvp but I want to see my queen happy, so devs do it or I will kiss you all , u wont like it for sure ;v
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