Hello Kaita,
i would like to know who judges pictures in #art-showcase in discord and deems them inapropriet or not?
Because i think there were cases where some (turtles, Pharaomage) who clearly just were bias torwards certain things and not because something was deemed "inapropriet".
the case i remember was for example a picture of a scorebunny in sandales where the feet were more in focus but it was 100% not in any sexual or nsfw context yet it got removed while just a few scroles before there were pictures of halfnaked pregnant oger pictures complettly ok
when some people called that out ( me included) we basicly got shushed down with "it was deemed nsfw, if u dont like apply in forum" and end of debate
i get that in discord there needs some censorship but is it actuall censorship or just some people thowing dice ?
i dont want to come off as rude it was just odd because we never get a real reply why it was removed while other pictures which were clearly way more provokative and kinky are complettly fine
the whole thing came across as more a personal thing then as if it was real nsfw