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  1. Player name: Pokechamp007 Showdown name: Pokechamp007 Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 6
  2. Player name: Pokechamp007 Showdown name: Pokechamp007 Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 3
  3. Player Name: Pokechamp007 Showdown Name: Pokeralhu Server: Yellow Rank on ladder: 6º or 7º
  4. Dear community, I apologise: Ladder Tournament its a tournament only for the top25 players of each server to have the chance to play among theirselves, thanks for Eaty to turn this tournament possible. The will of win its a great sensation and wining even more. Although we have to remember to respect each other, you can rivalry among the existing competitors but you cant cross the line. You must preserve your own dignity. Take in consideration that other players will want to participate in this tournament but your actions can be so disrespectful and you may not even realease whille so focus trying to beat and finding another ways to make your oponent to think he isnt up to challenge, you end up to decry/demean your opponent which can blow away all time and effort to organise the tournament and to put in check the next tournaments. For that i clearly apologise, and i also apologise to Eaty to make this tournament possible and to open me the eyes that my conduct shall not be admissible in games and tournaments and even could lead the interruption of the next tournaments and wholle new players to fail the chance to battle in ladder tournament. I learn my lesson, respect each other, always have in consideration that this tournament is only possible if you respect the next and if you respect the organiser. You are always free to talk about what you think, but carefull you may not realease that you could be offending someone in meanwhille, therefore respect stuff because more than anyone they are the only ones that make this all possible! I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Pokechamp007
  5. Hi Prodex! Nice pokes! The garchomp 31speed can you make me a small discount? how much you would accept?
  6. IGN : Pokechamp007 Answer 1 : Uxie Answer 2 : It is said that Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit come from the same Egg, which was created by Arceus.
  7. Re: godly togetic max speed max spatk <t>3.3m!</t>
  8. https://prnt.sc/fz0rth Unban: Shadow tag, alot stall pokes. Unban: Blaziken, its a little pokemon. Unban: Genesect, only one in game, its like a legandary cant be traded! Doesnt work like in showdown, where everything is epic!
  9. This game is known by Pokémon Revolution Online, why we hold back when we heard such an revolutionary idea like reseting the ivs, or like this one double ev gained as a reward! In fact takes a lot of time doing the ev training, above 2 hours for 1 pokemon only evs! The ev training is the hardest thing in pro, we could use atleast some medallion for that, it would be a sucess! In all modalitys there is something given to the champion, not only a tittle but a trophee, the guild champion sharing the same reward to 10th guild, its like we arent respecting the champions! Why pro should be diferent? Go Revolution!
  10. Hi Everybody! Its with pride that i announce that many familys in pro want something extra, something else, something that will recognise your guild as Champions! PRO is very competitive, but the prize list isn't moving along with competition! There is no diference at all being Champions or finish in the last 10th position! My suggestions: 1st place: +50%exp bonus + double win ev 2nd place: 50%exp bonus 3rd place: 33%exp bonus Farewall Everyone!
  11. Re: WTS AZUMARILL PVP READY ADA HP <t>I offer 1.33m</t>
  12. Re: WTS - SPATKer Blastoise . Epic IVs <t>I offer 200k!</t>
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