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Everything posted by Himanleon

  1. Re: Calamity Guild (-{Origin+SuperKings Merged}-) (Yellow Server)Is recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="Himanleon" post_id="478369" time="1512989176" user_id="1755029"><s> </e></QUOTE> you need to have full badges for joining <e> </e></QUOTE> <e> </e></QUOTE> <ATTACHMENT filename="y server.png" index="0"><s>
  2. Re: Calamity Guild (-{Origin+SuperKings Merged}-) (Yellow Server)Is recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="Tejas002" post_id="477008" time="1512650019" user_id="1668479"><s> </e></QUOTE> you need to have full badges for joining <e> </e></QUOTE></r>
  3. 1. What is your nickname in PRO:Himanleon 2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon:Gallade cuz it has a cool style and its are awesome. 3. What is your final objective in PRO:To be a pokemon Legend 4. How many hours did you play on Red:51 hours 5. Age:14 6. Do you have a PVP Team:got 2 100s
  4. Re: Calamity Guild (-{Origin+SuperKings Merged}-) (Yellow Server)Is recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="Tejas002" post_id="477008" time="1512650019" user_id="1668479"><s> </e></QUOTE> you need to have full badges for joining <e> </e></QUOTE> i just moved from blue server so i dont have much now</r>
  5. Re: Calamity Guild (-{Origin+SuperKings Merged}-) (Yellow Server)Is recruiting! <r><GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>How Many Hours:1 day, 3 hours, 8 minutes<br/> Do You Have Discord: Yes<br/> Am in Kanto 4 badges<br/> Do You Have A PVP team: No,not yet<br/> Do You Have Time To Chat With Us In Game Or In Discord: I have time for that.<br/> Discord ID and Username:Himanleon<br/> #9604<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  6. :Cool: IGN: Himan Sever:Yellow
  7. Sorry for the mistake :Frown:
  8. :Ambivalent: [glow=blue]I want yall to display the move when we use it, I think yall have not coded them yet then yall should only some of them r shown like ember,water gun,. etc,.It would be nice n cool if they r displayed,now most moves only blinks.well they should be displayed. [/glow] :thanks:
  9. Re: Re: Shiny revamp <r><SHADOW shadow="red"><s>[shadow=red]</s>Plz can u change shiny golduck's Sprite its mouth,hands and legs are pink it does not look cool let those parts be normal colour and change its body colour to something cool dark colour☆! <e>[/shadow]</e></SHADOW></r>
  10. Re: Origin guild (blue server) recruiting active players! <r><E>:Angel:</E> Dear members of the <SIZE size="150"><s></s><SIZE size="200"><s></s><GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>Origin Guild<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e></e></SIZE><e></e></SIZE> I am/will be unable to be online in the game till december due to studies.So, I kindly request you not to kick me while this time.I love this guild and will always be here.<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Thank You<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW> <E>:Ambivalent:</E> <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  11. :Cool: [glow=green]Good one[/glow] :Heart-eyes:
  12. :Grin: Go to [glow=blue]Account[/glow] in PRO website and [glow=red]Login[/glow] their U will see [glow=red]For How much long u have been Banned[/glow] :y:
  13. :Cool: Woow!♡ :Crazy: Awesome!☆☆ :Angel:
  14. Re: Origin guild (blue server) recruiting active players! <t>Hello i contacted the Originator in discord server.And how do i get in.He said to contact ice to join the guild</t>
  15. Re: Origin guild (blue server) recruiting active players! <t>Ign:Himanleon<br/> Hours of played:1 day, 1 hour, 34 minutes <br/> {Favorite pokemon:Blastoise}{Reason:I like it because it is cool,I like is style and it Cannons<br/> No, I don't know where/what is discord server<br/> I am active and I love pokemon very much</t>
  16. Re: Origin guild (blue server) recruiting active players! <r>Hello I have been searching a guild for many days finally got One <br/> I would like to join your guild.And am Fushia City<br/> Badges:5<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://hunsci.com/data/out/103/487514.gif">https://hunsci.com/data/out/103/487514.gif</URL> <E>:Heart:</E></r>
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