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Everything posted by Piinetree

  1. @NicerSmite, thank you for your patronage, come again any time! [spoiler=Returned Pokemon]
  2. Diga ao seu amigo para apelar pela conta dele aqui. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/discipline-appeals.37/ Certifique-se de que ele siga as regras do PVP aqui na próxima vez. https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?link-forums/pvp-rules.181/ https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?link-forums/game-rules.183/ Boa sorte!
  3. 1. ESC > Options 2. Game > Move Animations Extra: Probably also move the Dialogue Speed all the way to the right to make combat quick.
  4. They do use the same credentials to login, but the email for each can be changed differently if you wish to do so.
  5. While I know this is probably a bug, but have you tried using an Escape Rope to be transported to Pokecenter out of the island as a temporary fix?
  6. Thank you for your order @NicerSmite! The Pokémon Center will try to get your order done as soon as possible! Fully EV Trained Pokemon Requested STATS 252 Special Defense 252 HP 6 Defense [spoiler=Request]
  7. Thank you for your order @NicerSmite! The Pokémon Center will try to get your order done as soon as possible! Fully EV Trained Pokemon Requested STATS 252 Defense 252 HP 6 Special Defense [spoiler=Request]
  8. Sup, welcome to the greatest nightmare of your life. Hope you enjoy it here.
  9. Wrong topic to ask in ._. You may want to look for the Reborn topic which associates to his bot services...
  10. No offense to anyone who contribute and help make this an success, but doesn't this kind of make the whole Teleportation through routes a bit pointless now? Any revamp for that system in soon in regard for the LOS changes?
  11. Both forums styles has their own shine, but at the end, the new minimalistic style honestly is better then the original due to most businesses/games are moving to the style mentioned for their community. Though, if I were to inject, if you can remove the whole right-based user control panel on the minimalistic style, that would be pleasurable as I feel it looks a bit out of place there.
  12. Bumping is illegal o3o
  13. Wow, that actually pretty interesting.
  14. -Edited- I got what was stated after looking at the image. [mention]ShadowLobosTV[/mention], now I probably understand what you're pointing out. You are stating that when you was trading Pokemon, the direction in which Pokemon was released in battle was different. Such as the Alakazam is shown to be first, but the Onix was release first in battle? If this isn't what you pointed out in your original post. don't hesitate to specify.
  15. [mention]RamenDreams[/mention] "crashing" as in the client closing and giving you a crash log prompt or "crashing" as in being logged off from the game? If it the second, then that just the server and it sometimes happens frequently, hence the point of why all staff members and the website itself point out the game is in an Open Beta type setting which server crashes and rollbacks are a given (but staff are willing to help any player in case of a major incident occurs) If it's the first, then please do follow what [mention]Xaiyah[/mention] has post above.
  16. [mention]Kunomori[/mention], I have a question When extracting, when you get to the "resources.assets.resS" file, does it give any feedback as a prompt like the "file is corrupted" or anything similar to a prompt with anything, or does it just freezes and won't continue? Mainly asking because normally prompt are a given if the files are corrupted which could be due to an abnormal connection in regards from where you download the client zip file.
  17. 1. This is a scrolling feature which you have to drag your finger or a stylus and move it up or down. Honestly, it really hard to do it with chubby fingers like I have.... 2. You have to drag the berries to the Pokemon just like how you do it on a PC. 3. You can't. The swiping features for Android are also in the PC Client so..... It's impossible. Honestly the best way to get the game optimized is to give feedback/suggestions to make PRO an multi-platform success. [mention]semajtttttt[/mention], hopefully that answers your question in regards for the Android Port.
  18. Just a particle design for the area you are in for cosmetic purposes to make the game look good. Nothing much other then that.
  19. Uh, from looking what the DeX is, it seems to be a charging station for the S8 that connects to a monitor. Honestly, it doesn't change the fact that what's on the Samsung Galaxy S8 is Android so most likely PRO should be supported on it.
  20. I mean I have used various Android devices supported by LG, Samsung, Google, and even an off brand like Xiaomi. Honestly, I love the Android-based infrastructure more over Apple's closed infrastructure any time. More freedom and open source products that are free, the better. I swear when I changed my phone service and bought an iPhone, I thought the infrastructure in regards for apps would be huge compared to Google, but honestly it fell flat....
  21. Unsure, but I think I found a bug in regards for the Marowak boss in the Pokemon Tower Quest. There a possibility on being able to skip the boss by quickly going up the stairs. I actually was able to do it on my account by accident surprisingly.
  22. I honestly believe the chances are possibly slim, but nothing is impossible unless if the staff says. Other then that, I do hope you have a wonderful day and I do apologize for what happened to your Android Device. [mention]Shaui[/mention], you may feel free to lock the thread as it seems the problem as been solved.
  23. [mention]Angelelectro[/mention]. you probably may want to direct that issue with Paypal as the PRO Team can not possibly assist you with gaining access to your Paypal Account. The only thing they can do is be able to assist with you on their side if a transaction doesn't go well. Try directing the issue with Paypal Support Team on their website or try seeing if you can restart your password on their systems respectively.
  24. Sup Xenofrost, I don't think PRO is supported on the Microsoft Phone Operating System. Just only Android. Keep in mind that both operating systems are different! -edit- Though, do remember to know you can still play on an Android phone that doesn't have any mobile service, though you probably will still need WI-Fi Access to be able to connect to the game.
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