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Everything posted by Xanthinarose

  1. 51k
  2. 15k
  3. start 1k
  4. Up C.o 650k by inustur
  5. Start offer: 600k Min bid 50k Insta 1.2mil Auction lasts 3 days after s.o cc accepted as 250k
  6. nice mantine :3
  7. Update: gible 100k sold
  8. If anyone has one please link me with picture and price <3
  9. He put the right time, 2 days after the s.o you made. Auction is extended 15min from c.o when offers are made when there is less than 15 minutes left till the end of the forum auction, so the time was extended to 15:05pm brazil time after I made the last bid according to the auction rules and it ended cause no one bid again.
  10. PM me in game, congrats on winning the auction
  11. Update: gible sand veil 200k added (sold)
  12. Clefairy h.a sold, new one added.
  13. Magic guard clefairy sold, h.a clefairy 250k added.
  14. Update: untrained magikarp and clefairy MG 100k added.
  15. Lending trades are currently unavailable unfortunately :( . Movesets can be changed by the person who rents the poke to suit their teams and at their convenience.
  16. Larvesta sold in game
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