Please add some filter options in the pokedex:
View pokemon according to region (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh)
View uncaught pokemon
View pokes that you don't have evo data for
Auction house and a global trading system/marketplace would be a nice addition, not sure how difficult it would be to integrate that in the game though.
My OT rotom!
Start offer: 2.5mil
Minimum raise: 200k
Instant price 4.5mil
Auction lasts 3 days after S.O
Auction ended: Sold insta to Koreandoo for 4.5mil
We can't expect the CS to be able to code an entire generation at once either as they're volunteers and that's a lot of work, they're doing what they can. There is only one way to move and that's forward even if it takes them time to code everything else from gen 7.
This revert would be beneficial to a handful of users for trading purposes as it would drastically increase the price of talonflame and in exchange it would ruin the pvp meta and make the game further away from the current pokemon updates. It's an overall losing situation.
I don't think it should be reverted.
Talonflame pvp meta died after gen 7 and should remain that way bringing it back doesn't make any sense at all. As others said there are many gen 7 changes that would have to be reverted as well. The pvp meta would just change to people endlessly spamming talonflame like it used to be and that's no fun at all. I think the game should just try as much as possible to keep up to date with the original pokemon's changes/updates.