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Everything posted by Xanthinarose

  1. If you would like your application to be considered, you will need to reply to all the questions in the application form, including the last one. :3
  2. Update: Untrained klefkis 30k added
  3. Update: Lucario and Clefable lvl 100 added.
  4. Update: Calm mantine added, porygon 2 added.
  5. Update: Moveset ready Gengar added.
  6. Update: Cofagrigus 200k, magby and mantyke added.
  7. It is still available you will be contacted by the seller soon, sorry for the delay.
  8. Update: Lots of new untrained pokemon added including larvesta, deino, darumaka, yamask and many more.
  9. This is a guild shop for calamity guild members to sell their pokemon, if you want to sell your own pokemon you would need to create your own post in the selling pokemon forum thread or create your own forum shop.
  10. Update: Aerodactyl, donphan and gengar moveset ready added.
  11. Update: Victreebel moveset ready 250k hp ground added
  12. @Shaolan Thanks a million! Have a wonderful day.
  13. ROFL xd
  14. @pranzal Did you take a screenshot of the pokemon's ID? If you did you can make a post here --> https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/65778-url
  15. Hello, So I activated a black medallion the day before yesterday and it somehow ran out over a day too soon? Can you guys check this out for me? It would be much appreciated.
  16. Sorry for the late reply, Can I get your discord ID if you are still interested in buying?
  17. up
  18. Yeah that would be awesome! I really like those ideas and if they could add a feature that shows if the mail was seen/open or not as well. Kinda like messages through whatsapp or messenger etc.
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