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Everything posted by Xanthinarose

  1. Price depends on how much someone wants it tbh, some pvp players would pay 500k+ for it even though the hp is low, it's still a good advantage to have with 31 speed and good other stats
  2. 100k max
  3. Update: Mantine 800k and Clefable h.a 700k moveset ready added.
  4. Update: Hydreigon Moveset ready 450k added
  5. Sounds good I will contact the sellers. Note that code: Ralts will only apply to the azumarill as it is J123B's Pokemon :) Thank you for choosing Calamity guild shop! ^^
  6. Sorry these are all gold server pokemon ^^
  7. Rotom wash 500k sold.
  8. Update: Timid togekiss, greninja max speed h.a, lopunny, froslass and wailord added
  9. Hey there! Can you please specify which wingull you would like to buy? (We have two listed for 100k each) And thank you for using code Ralts! This code can be applied to pokemon with my OT and J123B's OT, so you get a 5% discount on horsea from 120k to 114k :)
  10. You need to fill out the application form at the end of the recruitment page to be considered for a position in the guild ^^
  11. @Ryck87 We need to know the # or number that comes after your discord ID to be able to contact you and add you ^^
  12. Which happiny would you like to buy? We have 3 listed
  13. I'm not sure what that is, so I guess not ^^
  14. Update: Togekiss 200k added
  15. Hey thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it and see what happens :3 Edit: Oh snap it worked! I'll wait a few days and hopefully it doesn't delete itself xd Thanks for the help, you're awesome!
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