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About Olaf

  • Birthday 12/13/1994

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Olaf's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Helped Team Magma, got a Qwilfish Hat from Mayor Ahok.
  2. Helped Team Aqua, got a Whiscash Hat from Mayor Ahok.
  3. ♥ Nicely done ♥ ♥ Aphrodite's Mega Gardevoir uses Thunderbolt as well. Easily swept using Lightning Rod Seaking. ♥
  4. As for the pokémon pool or range for the quest, I think they are pokémon that can be found in Sinnoh region. Meaning it should be starting with dex number #387 (Turtwig) and onwards. Well, that's just my assumption. Once we have more information, I can add the list later. As for the progress reset, when you started again from day 1, you received the same rewards? what about your day 4 rewards?
  5. Re: ► News Reporter! ◄ A Beginner's Guide | Master Ball <r><QUOTE author="GrandWarden" post_id="506246" time="1518111619" user_id="1551936"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks<br/> <QUOTE author="Kaminokage" post_id="506247" time="1518111666" user_id="1488380"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="PurpleMauth" post_id="506252" time="1518112100" user_id="738044"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks, guys. Updated.</r>
  6. News Reporter Hi everyone, I will try to cover as much as possible about the News Reporter in PRO. If you have anything else to add just let me know. [anchor=at_0]Index[/anchor] [anchor=at_1]What is the News Reporter[/anchor]? [anchor=at_2]Where do I have to go[/anchor]? [anchor=at_3]What do I have to do[/anchor]? [anchor=at_4]Rewards[/anchor] [anchor=at_5]My first week rewards[/anchor] (If anyone is interested to know) Thanks for reading and good luck everyone! Hope this helps Changelog:
  7. afaik, it won't change. Furret will have that ability as well.
  8. Hi Pbrabbit! Welcome to PRO and good luck with your new adventure :Grin:
  9. Nice find. Very simple and well written. Pretty sure this will be a great help to a lot of new players.
  10. Don't know if this is intended or not, but there's like a ledge overlapped there. And sorry it's a little bit hard to see because I screenshot it at night time. But the gif below should be clearer. And if it's intended, only on the left side that's working.
  11. Welcome back :Smile:
  12. You're using the wrong one dude.
  13. I was just trying to make sure so that you don't overlooked things because there have been a few cases where player accidentally make their pokemon hold the items like bike and clothes and they reported it as missing. If that's the case then you will have to wait for staff and they can check your account later. Just have to be patient and have a nice day!
  14. Well, PRO is a fan made mmo so you can't expect it to be exactly the same as the previous version or it would be too easy and it will no longer have that MMO aspect of the game.
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