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Everything posted by Salemzeroo

  1. Is anyone having the same problem that i can not see all pokes??
  2. Hello, I'd like to sell my Dragonite after i caught ot one. Will go auction for 3 days starting from first offer. Start offer : 500k. Best offer : 1.7m by kuga1311999 . Min raise : 150k. Insta : 2m. You can offer here or pm in game or at discord. Ign:Salemzeroo. Discord: SalemZeroo#1114.
  3. Hello, this is happening in my brother's account LionKing2 (he can't feel free to express himself in english) in which his pokes are not evolving. For example :glaceon, anorith and alot more although he met all of their evolve requirements.
  4. Can link here or show it in game.
  5. I buy the 80k timburr ada guts third one with 30 atk, 29 spd and low hp.
  6. Then when you are online let me know. My ign SalemZEROO.
  7. Here what happened after the crash of the server, the game was gone and i tried re installation of the game but did not work. Plz i need fast solution for me to play my summer tournament match.
  8. I made all these things yesterday and still
  9. Hello, i just can't log in to my account. I tried from yesterday till now and still all what they say is can not connect to server, knowing that my internet speed is 500kb/s i re-download the game but still the same.
  10. Anyone here?? When you are I asked for that before you <3
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