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Raikaisa665 last won the day on June 24 2024

Raikaisa665 had the most liked content!


About Raikaisa665

  • Birthday 01/10/2001

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Raikaisa665's Achievements

Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. Start
  2. 21k nincada 11k goomy 11k slowbro 11k mawile 95k greninja 95k pancham
  3. 110k Omastar 110k Darmanitan (hp water) 100k Milotic 90k Gardevoir 110k Gengar 100k Scizor 120k Clefable 80k Haxorus 60k Blastoise (modest) 40 Magmortar (modest) 80k Sawsbuck 40k Roserade (hp flhying) 90k Darmanitan (hp ghost) 60k Roserade (hp water) 80k Glalie 160k Volcarona (hp poison)
  4. 40k Blastoise (modest), 70k Pelipper, 60k Magmortar (timid), 60k Volcarona (hp poison), 60k Tentacruel, 50k Hawlucha, 60k Torterra (adamant), 20 Magmortar (modest), 60k Sawsbuck, 20k Roserade (hp flhying), 60k Dusclops, 70k Darmanitan (hp ghost), 40k Roserade (hp water), 20k Torterra (relaxed), 60k Glalie, 60k Aggron
  5. 70k Omastar, 70k Abomasnow, 70k Darmanitan (hp water), 70k Milotic, 20k Leavanny, 70k Blastoise (timid), 150 Klefki (bold), 70k Gardevoir, 90k Gengar, 60k Scizor, 60k Clefable, 50k Haxorus, 80k Sceptile, 160k Volcarona (hp bug), 130k Hydreigon, 60k wishiwashi, 20k Gyarados,
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