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About Gawerty

  • Birthday 01/26/1998

Personal Information

  • Discord
  • Career
    Warehouse Management
  • Gender
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  • Occupation
    The best worker monkey.

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Gawerty's Achievements

Advanced Trainer

Advanced Trainer (4/12)



  1. I got to admit I think this would be pretty cool. Here's to hoping that it becomes allowed past the 4 account limit if there are certain restrictions (Like maybe checking "this is a speedrun account" which disables trading or something /shrug)
  2. It's a pretty long story honestly. I'm having a good time though!
  3. Thanks for all of the welcome backs! I appreciate it!
  4. Hey all, Been a long time, I haven't really played much of PRO in the last few years, but I'm giving it a shot again. I'll be playing under the name Yrgulian, as I haven't really decided what to do with my old progress. Don't :cattoblush: me.
  5. Take care. Hopefully you'll find something to put your focus on for the future.
  6. what is your in game name(IGN): Gawerty What is your real name: I'd rather only share that if absolutely necessary. Where are you from: Tennessee, United States. How old are you: 20 How many hours do you have Ingame: Not as much as i'd like due to not playing as much as I should considering how long ago I joined PRO, currently 55 on Yellow, but it's been growing since I returned two weeks ago. Why do you want to join: I want to find a decent guild that I can contribute too in any way possible, this looks like a good one. What is your favorite Pokemon: Zangoose. Do you have a discord account: Yes.
  7. My ingame name is Gawerty; but i'd like some more details on your guild before joining, when was it established, what are it's goals, that type of thing, hoping to see a response soon~
  8. As the title states, i'm looking for a guild on Yellow that is willing to accept me, I'm a rather old member of PRO, I don't quite have the hours ingame, but I'm working on getting them back up, as I've had my account reset a few times. Currently in Hoenn, probably will be here for a little while. Just want some people I can have fun around, I use Discord a ton, so I'm definitely Discord-Friendly. Let me know! <3
  9. I just started Hoenn and went and talked to Birch after facing May, and it seems like his script is incorrect, due to the $date showing instead of what I assume to be the date.
  10. What is your Discord tag? [Example @DiscordTag#1234] - @Gawerty#0101 How often do you use Discord? - Across various servers pretty much anytime i'm on my PC i'm using Discord in some way, shape or form, most recently with PRO however, every few days, about two, give or take. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? - Not really a suggestion more-so a nitpick, but the member list is very sloppy with how it has Red Members, Yellow Members, Blue Members, and others all piled together, having them all separated by the server they have chosen. It's not something that would take a lot of work, it'd clean up the members-list appearance, and provide some aesthetic to the discord.
  11. Welcome Greeed! ;)
  12. I like the idea of an Underused Ladder, i'd even enjoy a Little Cup ladder, if we're being honest.
  13. - I've gotten into mashups like these recently, helps me listen to music I enjoy, and discover music from the same genre that I may have either forgotten about, or didn't know of before.
  14. Red was the first PRO server, and has the oldest player accounts logged on it, which also means the economy has had a lot longer to mature. Blue was the second PRO server released, and has the lowest player count, and the second oldest economy, Yellow was the third and last server released thus far, and is the default server on Login, unless you change it, so all of the new players usually end up here, but this also means there will usually be a queue, due to the this server being the 'most popular'
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