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Everything posted by Lebron974

  1. Start Offer: 1,5m Min Bid: 200k Insta: 5m Payment methods: Rr ivs = 750k CC = 400K Auction time: 72h (starts after my acknowledgment). This auction will be held in Gold, if buyer is from Silver he have to take the responsibility to come to Gold server (if he insta I do the transfer). IGN: LEBRON974 (GOLD) / DISCORD : LeBron974#1254
  2. @Hawluchaa well what we should do now ?
  3. Insta I take it tommorow ty
  4. @Hawluchaa did fiolia win and was in time? don’t wanna mess up thx !
  5. Min bid is 150k...
  6. Ok 1h30h left ! Sorry for the tag before My phone connected me with the wrong acc
  7. ok https://countingdownto.com/?c=3249508
  8. Player name: Lebron974 Showdown name: LeBron974 Server: Gold Timezone: gmt +4 Rank on ladder: 21
  9. ok 48H left
  10. Hi, wts this rotom : -Start offer 900K, min bid 150K -Insta 3M -48H auction -Accept cc (400K) and reroll ticket (750k) GL
  11. start bulba (silver not gold mb)
  12. start bulba
  13. SERVER TRANSFER Username : LeBron974 Server to charge money from : Silver Main server to transfer server : Silver to Gold
  14. hello I need help for devolution, my daycare trainer miss clicked for both of them :/ sorry take your time and ty !! In-game name: LeBron974 Server: Silver Pokemon in attach files :
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