1. What is your ingame name? FredTubeHD
2. How old are you? i'm 14 Years old..
3. What’s your favorite thing to do? Well ATM my tighht hand is broke so i play alot of PRO. But inside PRO my fav thing to do is: Exploring, digging and doing the small sidequests.
4. What are your ambitions in PRO? Well. I'm still trying to complete the game, i finnaly got my first level 100 and i think i can pull it trough to Johto
5. With so many guilds available, why Paradox? I don't know alot about guilds.. So i thought this seemed as a great guild i would enjoy being a part of :P
6. How active are you on discord? I slways have it open in the background when i'm playing :)