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Everything posted by Pisforpenguin

  1. if you want to sell the 4 prankster cottonees for 10k each i will buy all 4
  2. i was at work but will be home for the rest of the night if you are available
  3. hey @Eon its been a few days and still have not heard anything back from @Sennti is there anything i should do or can do?
  4. @Sennti i still need to schedule a meet up time for the heracross, plz dm me thanks
  5. what is your in game you can pm me on discord listed in op to schedule a meet up time
  6. Username: PisForPenguin Country: United States GMT -4 Server: Gold
  7. Yes I will contact you soon sorry had something come up
  8. i evolved an espurr and never got evolution or even data for meowstic registered to dex i released the meowstic because i figured i would have the data the meowstic was Female also
  9. Max Speed Beldum 24h auction starting after 1st bid Starting Bid 200k Min Raise 50K Insta 800k Accepted Currency: Pokedollar CC = 370k IV Reroll = 750k Nature Reroll = 350k Contact IGN: Pisforpenguin Discord: Penguin#1839
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