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Everything posted by Pisforpenguin

  1. Thank you so as I understand the current top bid is 3.1m by @FreddyFTW
  2. Yes I realize this and have already reported my own post in an attempt to fix it. It is the best course of action instead of tagging trade admins because they will most likely not see it.
  3. Was not aware the 15 min rule applied if not stated in the original post. I have used this rule before but forgot to add it when I made the post and did not want to get in trouble for altering an existing auction.
  4. congrats are you online atm?
  5. about 3 mins remaining this is the current top bid
  6. start: 1m min raise: 150k Insta: 4m CC = 400k IV RR = 700k 48hr auction after 1st bid ty and gl ends https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20211222T0048&p0=410&font=cursive
  7. last bump before removing in 24hrs
  8. bump so lowered
  9. bump
  10. All auctions will be 48hr timer after first bid Accepted Currency CC = 390k Nature RR = 350k IV RR = 700k Alolan Grimer #1 SO 500k Min Raise 200k Alolan Grimer #2 SO 350k Min Raise 200k Deino #1 SO 300k Min Raise 100k Deino #2 SO 250k Min Raise 100k All bids are final and any false offers will be reported any offers made in the last 15 mins of any auction will extend that auction by 15 mins Thanks and good luck
  11. i believe most other evo items are recyclable and they are fairly easily obtainable from dig spots i have way more than i could ever realistically use
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