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Everything posted by Pisforpenguin

  1. Dratini Adamant Multiscale 31 Speed 25+ Other Drilbur Jolly Mold Breaker 31 Speed 26+ Atk 23+ Other Eevee Modest Anticipation HP Fire/ HP Ground 20+ Honedge Quiet 25+ except speed Swablu Jolly Natural Cure 31 speed 25+ Swablu Adamant Natural Cure 25+ Swablu Shiny Any Oshawott Jolly Shell Armor 28+ Speed 22+ Other Alomomola Regenerator Relaxed 25+ Def/SpDef/Hp 18+ Atk/SpAtk Snivy Timid Contrary 30 Speed 20+ rest HP Fire/Ground/Rock Porygon Bold/Sassy/Calm 24+ except speed Sandile Jolly Moxie 29+ Speed 28+ Atk 23+ Others Also Looking for xmas Swablus/Altarias pm what you have If have anything listed or possibly evolutions please contact IGN: Pisforpenguin Discord: pisforpenguin
  2. What is your IGN? Pisforpenguin What is your discord? Penguin#1839 Tell us a little about yourself. Started playing game in 2017 took some time off coming back. Been playing pokemon since gen 1 on gameboy color. How many hours do you currently have? 919hr 37mins Do you know any existing members? No not personally Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)? Yes, Calamity What are your expectations for this guild? nothing in particular What You are looking for from the guild? just want people to play and hang out with, current guild is inactive :/ What other games do you play online? LoL, TFT, Valorant, Tarkov, What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you? Umbreon, really just like the design especially shiny umbreon In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild. Want to get involved with pvp, and meet new people to hangout with in pro and play other games with If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use: Balance is my favorite, but I also like weather and HO teams
  3. congrats the auction has ended and sold to @Anniepeachfor 8.5m plz pm me so we can meetup in game
  4. current highest offer totaling 7.25m
  5. current highest is 7m auction will end when highest bid is uncontested for 15 minutes
  6. iv or nature? if iv this is current highest offer
  7. current offer is 4.2m auction will end 15m from now unless another offer is made
  8. 3hrs 11 mins left top bid is still 3.5m
  9. current offer 3.5m time remaining 17h just a reminder timer is linked in 1st post and bids made in last 15 mins will extend time by 15 mins per auction rules
  10. curret offer 3.2m 22h remain
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