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Everything posted by Pisforpenguin

  1. Start 1.5m 200k Min Raise No Insta 48hr auction after 1st bid Accepted Currency: Pokedollars CC = 400k IV RR = 700k Nat RR = 300k Good luck and thanks for viewing Timer https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/winter?iso=20220115T1903&p0=410&msg=beldum+auction&font=cursive
  2. Brave HA heracross 28atk 25 hp if interested
  3. No thanks looking for 24+ and I already bid on this when it was up for auction thanks tho
  4. start quag
  5. bump will close in 24hrs from this post if no start
  6. i buy the shiny and event snorunt
  7. Will do when I get off work in a bit
  8. bump SO lowered
  9. SO: 300k Min Raise: 200k 48Hr auction after first bid Accepted Currency: CC = 400k IV RR = 700k
  10. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience
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