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Everything posted by Pisforpenguin

  1. All 69k
  2. 700k offer for imp hippo
  3. 650k imp hippo
  4. raise imp hippo +50k
  5. Currently the only way to obtain this mount is from purchasing from other players. As fafouney stated it is event specific item. This is only obtainable during the Christmas event which usually starts end of November or beginning of December. So if you can wait until then you can purchase one. If you chose not to wait you will have to find a player currently selling one
  6. Can you message me on discord would like to purchase story service for my alt Penguin#1839
  7. Last bump before closing in 24hrs of no starts
  8. 3 dungeons complete ty for purchases
  9. zekrom + victini form + gen 5 dex + vicnit dungeon
  10. Char 1 Char 2 Cranidos Gible 1 Gible 2 SO for all auctions is 100k Min raise is 1k Length is 48hrs from start Accepted Currency: Pokedollars CC = 370k IV RR = 650k
  11. ty for purchasing zekrom quest
  12. Fire: Cyndaquil Water: Mudkip Grass: Grookey
  13. ty for purchasing victini dungeon clear
  14. can you try adding me again i am not seeing it, or leave me your discord and i can message you
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