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Everything posted by Pisforpenguin

  1. auction is over bro pm me on disc Penguin#1839
  2. it has allowed me to merge now thank you
  3. @Epithet i have already done an appeal about a year ago and was unbanned by @Ehkoe on march 7 2021 i can link the appeal if needed but not sure if everyone is able to see it
  4. Hi i am trying to transfer to silver and its telling me i need to merge accounts before i can transfer Im pretty sure i already merged a long time ago, when i click on button to merge the accounts its showing 2 accounts that do not look like my current account and the status showing for both of them is banned: i have no intention of keeping either of those existing accounts and wont allow me to even merge them because they are banned status, i just want to be able to transfer to pick up a mon i won in an auction
  5. are you online now? i will have to transfer so let me know when you are free
  6. no problem whenever you are free just let me know
  7. @Xaizen you can message me on discord when you are available to pick up your mons Penguin#1839
  8. im online now, i also messaged you on discord
  9. I will message you when I am home from work
  10. @masroy let me know when you are available to pick up
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