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Everything posted by Xayahx

  1. My IGN xayahx Friends ign Breadcat I totally forgot that he hasn't even passed kanto e4 and quickly traded him my clamperl for trade evo. then it got region locked. That was totally my bad. I was rushing. pleasse revert the trade if you can or can ask me for more proof
  2. Wts ralts offer ty. Just shoot your shot.
  3. Bump. Still need it.
  4. As mentioned above, wtb Noibat/Noivern. 31 speed is a must and I prefer good defence, hp and special attack. Ability needs to be infiltrator. Pay well~
  5. Bidding 800k for it. time left should be below 24hours I believe?
  6. Username: Xayahx Server: Gold Country/Timezone: Myanmar(Burma) GMT+6:30
  7. the title mentioned everything I wanted to ask for. I remember PRO talked about a pvp update 2 years ago and it still hasn't arrived. My country is really undeveloped and we have electricity problems. The city cuts the electricity without warnings for at least 3 times a week. Whenever that happened, I disconnected and I do not have a single chance to reconnect to the game. i just want the allowance of players to reconnect within at least 1 min so that we can play again. If the player disconnect another time, they will actually lose the game and lose their points. Also, I would like to suggest to make the battle timer similar to Showdown! If this is impossible, it's all fine. The ability to reconnect to game back after the server has crashed or a player has disconnect would be really useful. Since I'm not a developer and I do not know how coding works, I don't know how long it will actually take so do take your time considering. If possible, adding replays would be nice too so we can report bugs or send video proofs about people cheating. We, players cannot record every battle we play. Certain pvpers streamers can but not all of us can record a video. And it's also difficult to take screenshots fast enough to capture how the bug occurred or how the opponent is cheating
  8. Would love to lend serperior and weavile for 3days. Good shop, gl!
  9. As the title says, the Weavile doesn't have to be epic since it's a glass cannon but it's attack must be above 29. For the Haxorus, it's for the purpose of fighting against boss mons. It can be trash useless with 01attack. As long as it's adamant and mold breaker, I'll buy it
  10. Want to buy the mold breaker 26/26 120k drilbur Xayahx(ign) Discord-CoconutLatte#9261
  11. Even I can't decide if this is a request or a suggestion but please bring back the old slot machines. The Veilstone casino can be the exclusive casino where we can play Quack Jack but the Goldenrod Casino needs old slot machines. 250k for 50casino chips and we need to play games to get casino coins. And 5rare candies already cost 20coins and a syncable rotom for 50coins. This is too expensive. This may not seem like a problen, but if it's gonna be expensive and rigged, no one will try both casinos. Even the Eumi island's game corner gives free rewards just for beating boss(I've obtained a big train ticket for my 2nd time). Not sure but if the Solaceon's News reporter quest still gives coins then where do we even use it.
  12. I do not know if someone has made a thread about this already. So if someone did, pls do lmk and I'll delete this thread if necessary So the map in mobile is very hard to zoom in and very hard to read titles. We have to press on these tiny routes with our big fingers. So I thought that it would be cool to make the map a little bigger and make it easier to zoom in. Not much to say, that's all.
  13. Wts 2Angel Ears Offer for them. Ign-Xayahx Discord-CoconutLatte#9261
  14. I wanna keep it as a vulpix :(
  15. As i say above, if yoy have one, message me here or ig. CoconutLatte#9261
  16. Stonkeldurr sold
  17. 900k by trisphotograph 7hr left
  18. 800k by Action08 10:25hr left
  19. 300k by pokermasterpeter 11hr left
  20. 250k by BingeDrinker 11h left
  21. HP proof
  22. Updated gl :)
  23. XD BingeDrinker started 150k
  24. Auction started Dec13/9pm by BingeDrinker Started late due to apparent reasons and negotiations. 24h left from now
  25. N Noted
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