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About Darso

  • Birthday 05/07/1996

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Darso's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hi, I made this post to report that my heatran changed his ability by himself, since at no time did I use the ability capsule to have his h.a by himself when he did not have it, could you help me return it to its original ability?
  2. Username: Darso Server: Silver Country/Timezone:Hermosillo (UTC-7).
  3. Start 500k for garchomp
  4. Name change Username: Darsortiz New username: Darso Server to charge the Money from: Silver
  5. delete my suicune by mistake here I leave photo of the id
  6. Pls help i loss my ferrothorn, don't have ss for the chat but yes the id
  7. Sold 700k. My discord @Dars#4701 In game: Darsortiz
  8. Left 2 hours more
  9. 1day and 2hours
  10. Wts Epic Scizor 24+ brave Start: 400k Insta: 1.5m Min. Raise: 100k 2days for b.o (initiate15 / nov / 2018 11:30 am)
  11. Pls help i relased mi garchomp for wrong im server Silver Nick: Darsortiz
  12. do not let me change it You need 60000 Pokédollar in order to get the bike. You only have 7000. :Angel: but the bike voucher serves to make it free, does not it?
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