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Everything posted by Darso

  1. Hi, I made this post to report that my heatran changed his ability by himself, since at no time did I use the ability capsule to have his h.a by himself when he did not have it, could you help me return it to its original ability?
  2. Username: Darso Server: Silver Country/Timezone:Hermosillo (UTC-7).
  3. Start 500k for garchomp
  4. Name change Username: Darsortiz New username: Darso Server to charge the Money from: Silver
  5. delete my suicune by mistake here I leave photo of the id
  6. Pls help i loss my ferrothorn, don't have ss for the chat but yes the id
  7. Sold 700k. My discord @Dars#4701 In game: Darsortiz
  8. Left 2 hours more
  9. 1day and 2hours
  10. Wts Epic Scizor 24+ brave Start: 400k Insta: 1.5m Min. Raise: 100k 2days for b.o (initiate15 / nov / 2018 11:30 am)
  11. Pls help i relased mi garchomp for wrong im server Silver Nick: Darsortiz
  12. do not let me change it You need 60000 Pokédollar in order to get the bike. You only have 7000. :Angel: but the bike voucher serves to make it free, does not it?
  13. What do you mean by "bike bonus" ? do not let me change it
  14. Hello DarsOrtiz I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You can change your Bike color by talking to Bike Mechanic Jimmy in Bike Store at Cerulean City. You must however pay 10,000$ to the NPC in order to change the color. :Sing: the color is not the problem, the problem is that I can not change the bike bonus in the npc
  15. the color is not the problem, the problem is that I can not change the bike bonus in the npc
  16. Intento cambiar el bono bici que da el npc Samuel y no me deja!!
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