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Everything posted by Sathish1234

  1. Being struck with the NPC(Cole)n unable to move from that NPC(Cole) and I don't have escape rope in my bag plzz help me
  2. Tq I made a mistake and I completed the quest ,and I accidentally released a Dragonite 100lvl which is not my ot plz try to find and idk wen I released it silver server
  3. I have posted all 10 screen shots of latios location I couldn find it plzz help me or tell me correct location so that I could search der
  4. I started the quest and defeated red lati in the truck and unable to find blue lati in all 10 locations plzz help me (silver server)
  5. Thank you, I received my bunnelby, as I assured il return him the macho brace when his ban period is over
  6. 4/29/ 2020 silver server timing
  7. Hi one of my friend kettavansham has been trade banned, I gave him 2 bunellby in same trade for ev training can u plzz get me back that poke.
  8. Hi I accidentally released my infernape a month before plzz help to find it
  9. I play this game in Mobile phone, while doing bosses if some1 calls to phone , I cut d call while battling(NPC) ,I get kicked out of battle plzz rectify n solve this issue,
  10. I frequently gets kicked out of the game why is that plzz rectify asap
  11. App gets hanged when ever we throw a pokeball, please rectify and update ASAP
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