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Everything posted by Malltesers

  1. Player name : malltesers Showdown : malltesers Server : gold Rank : 22 Gmt +2
  2. I heard this argument a lot about "multimillionaire buying infinite reroll tickets". we are talking about 700-750k for each rerolls tickets, without any guarantee that you'll get something correct. I consider myself as someone who has a good budget, and someone who wasted about +80 rerolls probably and i can tell it doesn't work like that at all. I'll never be able to reroll until i get a godly one, that's out of reality. I hardly believe that someone who spammed reroll may have this opinion, i'm afraid the topic will just go -1 from every PVE player and +1 from every PVP player, maybe a waste we'll see
  3. Hello, I had a discussion with few peoples about legendaries on PRO and it appears that many people are "afraid" or "annoyed" to rerolls their legendaries cause it's really not worth looking at the price of rerolls tickets. More than that, i'm legit tilted when someone get a godly hp ice heatran/zapdos without even using reroll while it's impossible for me with 30+ rerolls on the same pokemon. I think we should give more chance to people to get the legendaries they want if they use more rerolls. That's "Fair" This idea is not "Absolute", it is a first step and can improved of course so every feedback are appreciated. What would happen if the game increased the chance of getting +10/+15/+20 ivs on our legendaries if we use more than 5/10/20/30 rerolls on the same legendaries, we could think of something like : - from 5 to 10 rerolls used : 10% chance to get +12 ivs - from 10 to 20 rerolls : 10% chance to get 15+ - 20+ rerolls : 20% chance to get 15+ ivs Which mean that if you use a 21th reroll, you have 20% chance that your legendary IV'S will be randomized between 15 and 31. I don't want to make rerolls too op since it's a MMO, luck always have to be a big part but it would be really nice to find a balanced advantage of using more and more rerolls. Not just pure randomness.
  4. Start
  5. Hello ! I checked all my boxes as usual but i couldn't find medicham, i might have sold it in game and forgot to post if there. Sorry for the inconvenience, i did put him out of the shop
  6. Sure ! i can't see the exact time you started it but let's say auction will end on 14/06 at 4:41AM (Paris GMT)
  7. Hello! I'm selling this venusaur, i guess people might like it for upcoming megas S.O 1m Bid : 100k No insta yet 48 hours after first offer
  8. Player name: Malltesers Showdown name: Malltesers Server: Gold Timezone: gmt + 2 Rank on ladder: 23
  9. How old are you and where are you from? 25 from france Why would you like to join Trinity? To help you out What is the highest rating you've ever got? 565 or something How much hours did you play PRO so far and how many hours do you play right now? 3500 hours, way too much.. i could be buffed AF if i was doing sport instead of playing PRO What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? My character on PRO is naked, it's like having Cupidon by your side. I'm chill, glad to help out whenever you need Add a picture of your trainer card in the application. What is your Discord ID? Malltesers#4747
  10. Tangrowth started - end on 30/05 at 14:50 Paris GMT
  11. Username: Malltesers Server: Gold Country/Timezone: France GMT +2
  12. I'd bann landorus Sheer Force. As stated many times on this thread, this pokemon can fit in so maaaany teams will such a team breaker potential. The first argument to let it playable might be : this pokemon can get counter by weavile/Greninja/Zapdos hp ice. But that's not the case, these pokemons cannot switch into Landorus free and will be "revenge killer" which is completely different. You can easily build around this pokemon with alomomola for example that might be able to cover Greninja/Weavile and can even wish to completely heal Landorus back. If you want some stats to make it more clear : 252 Atk Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus Rock Slide vs. 252 HP Zapdos(80.4 - 95.5%) Weavile legit dies to rock slide/superpower/earth power instantly ; same thing for greninja So the real question is, which pokemon will be able to switch into landorus sheer force? The main pokemons will be chansey, rotom-wash, tangrowth, alomomola Well, you can easily build around with Landorus Sludge bomb or even brick break or superpower if you are exclusivez :kappa: , Alomomola careful (252spdef, 252hp) take 53.5 - 63.1% on earth power. one good anticipation and they're out. Only rotom-wash might be a correct answer since a calm one take 38.2 - 44.8% on sludge bomb but would you really consider that an answer ? ^^ If you wanna make this pokemon available, well i might be able to sell reroll tickets for a higher price cool and i have a gengar hp ice kek ! On the other hand, that'll make the luck advantage about rerolls tickets even higher on the game and lower the skill gap + The meta will be based around him Imagine playing a Nidoking v2 but faster (above 328 which is the speed of most legendaries and semi-legendaries like volcarona), more bulk, more damages and that might be able to pass chansey unlike nidoking The other form is fine tho, that'll help the meta develop herself. Even tho we might see a lot of landorus, there will be many answer like Rotom-wash/Tangrowth/Ghost for explosion/Landorus himself. Also we might see defensive lando/ Offensive Lando suicide lead / Scarf lando. That'll help improve the skill and mind game in Pro which is always a good thing :P
  13. Welp, you won volcarona, let's meet IG when you can
  14. Ok, you won medicham gg :) pm me in discord malltesers#4747 or in game to trade
  15. Garchomp sold insta to the last12
  16. Sorry budd but you might have seen an old screenshot, there is no rotom with a s.o in the shop. I removed the old screenshot to avoid confusion
  17. Medicham c.o 300k by Gyrhomies - 48h left
  18. Excadrill sold insta to Gyrhomies
  19. Garchomp jolly h.a 19speed started 1m by thelast12 - 48h auction
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