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Everything posted by Crucifixuz

  1. please invent a button to disable new mount animations. they are very fast and stressful especially in areas with many players... please invent, i waste so much pvp coins on mounts that look goofy now... pls option
  2. I also wanna give bad feedback about the carnivine spawn change... he is one of the rarest pokes in d&p and more exclusive than croagunk etc in the original games (only safari when u approach the telescope) and they are still exclusive tier 8 pokes!!! and carnivine is now uncommon even with multiple spawns??? how could that happend and not be reverted even after someone noticed ?
  3. boss name khlover bug please fix and my item :(((
  4. Hey bros my lagging tail was gone after fighting boss on pinkan island. can i get it back pleasee ? xD
  5. to be fair XD001 was good little update but the events are also old i wish they would at least add one of the og legendaries to each reoccuring events for the ppl who alrdy finished all quests... like xd001 it was a great idea why not more like this, instead theyre always reworking functions that work well or at least 90 % well thats why i think this posts title fits well ( the lastest EXP rework is just one of them, digspots, bosses, spawns, repeltricks, dailytasks, boss limit, rarity tiers, boss banns, pvp banns, untradeable reroll rework etc just to name a few) how much time was invested and wasted in this and how many players did our great game lost to those completely senseless endless reworks... is mewtwo catch not important to anyone anymore? or u want to tell me a pokémon game rather needs a skovet or kelbeo years before groudon ho-oh etc ? why do they infinitely handicap us in kanto instead of finally moving on to astrella and unova or a decent pvp rework that either allows everything or gives us more opportunities to battle other trainers and make use of our hunts than just 1 OU queue
  6. +1 it shouldve been made easier not harder to level it disappoints me, after all these years they are still spending their time infinitely reworking and patching down stuff that worked just fine. last real update was in 2017....
  7. i already suggested this some years ago and people told me soon the quests will come... pllsssssss pls please we need ho-oh and kyogre
  8. yes i saw in battle they have a follower sprite thats why i thought its sad you cant walk with them xD
  9. i wonder if its possible to let a mega evo travel with u somehow... maybe a tick somewhere on the pokecard or something i want to travel with my mega sceptile plz bros
  10. can you make the ash pikachus in world quest be able to hold ash cap to wear for player? would be a nice addition for people who didnt choose pikachu and still want to have the hat for long time
  11. we got zekrom and reshiram that was nice xD any chance for the old ones in fututre events ? 1 could have been in xmas :(
  12. yes the pc is alaways full this would be very helpful but i think something like that is already planned
  13. i alrdy suggested this in 2018 after the boss rework but they still only drop 30k like a normal boss ( shary shaui pewdie diepy etc ) so pls double the cash xD
  14. especially since they accidently fused dcs + looses on trainer card u cant even battle friends anymore to help u leave the area with logout
  15. -1 3000 is nothing they are already way too easy to get and landorus-t shouldve been banned long time ago
  16. and wasnt there an announcement to display total bosses defeated count on trainer card ? what happened to that idea ? was a good one imo
  17. i just noticed my dcs got added to my looses on trainer card ? i know its nothing big but now it looks like i got beaten, which is not possible usually so any chance to revert this mistake ? those dcs are just teleports to pc....
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